Diverging roles of TRPV1 and TRPM2 in warm-temperature detection [data]
The accurate perception of innocuous temperatures, particularly those experienced as pleasantly warm, is essential for achieving thermal comfort and maintaining thermoregulatory... -
Replication Data for: Everyday sexism in nursing degrees: A cross-sectional, ...
Datos que contienen variables sociodemográficas y percepción de machismos cotidianos de estudiantes de enfermería tanto en el aula como en prácticas. -
Replication Data for "Liquid biopsy after resection of pancreatic adenocarcin...
This dataset comprises the articles incorporated in the meta-analysis. In total, 78 articles underwent thorough review, and 67 were disqualified either because they lacked... -
CR-Vesicalcath I
Estudio MULTICÉNTRICO prospectivo, controlado, aleatorizado de no inferioridad sobre el manejo de la sonda vesical en cirugía de colon -
Datos de replicación para: Relaciones entre el Acoso Escolar (AE), la Práctic...
El Dataset contiene los datos y resultados del artículo "Relaciones entre el Acoso Escolar (AE), la Práctica Deportiva y la Personalidad. Un estudio Retrospectivo." La... -
Single cell RNA sequencing of murine intestinal epithelial organoids treated ...
Murine intestinal epithelial organoids isolated from non-treated and treated condition with Nrg1+Spp1 for four days, and processed for single cell RNA sequencing. -
Bulk RNA sequencing of sorted intestinal epithelial cells from Wt and Spp1 KO...
Murine intestinal epithelial cells isolated from non-irradiated and irradiated mice Wt or Spp1 KO mice , sorted and processed for RNA extraction following for bulk RNA sequencing -
Single cell RNA sequencing of murine intestinal epithelial sorted cells from ...
Murine intestinal epithelial cells isolated from non-irradiated mice, sorted and processed for single cell RNA sequencing. -
Replication Data for: Corticosterone administration immediately after peripub...
These files contains the raw data corresponding to the different experiments aimed at exploring the short and long-lasting impact of glucocorticoids treatment given during the... -
Single cell RNA sequencing of murine intestinal epithelial (PI- CD45- Epcam+)...
Murine intestinal epithelial cells (PI- CD45- Epcam+) isolated from un-irradiated, irradiated (5 days post irradiation) and irradiated with macrophages ablation (5dpi +... -
Single cell RNA sequencing of murine intestinal macrophages during homeostasi...
Murine intestinal macrophages (PI- CD45+ F4/80+ CD11b+) isolated from un-irradiated and irradiated (6 days post irradiation) mice, sorted and processed for single cell RNA... -
Bulk RNA sequescing of murine intestinal organoids treated with the factors ...
Murine intestinal organoids treated with the factors NRG1, SPP1, a combination of both or with only intestinal medium for 48 hours. Three days after, organoids were collected... -
Bulk RNA sequencing of murine intestinal organoids from co-culture of intesti...
Murine intestinal organoids co-cultured with pro-inflammatory (M1), anti-inflammatory (M2) and non-polarized (M0) macrophages for 48 hours. On day 3, PI- CD45- EpCAM+ cells... -
A 3D morpho-space of sepal geometry reveals the importance of organ curvature...
This repository contains raw image data, the extracted sepal contours, and the measurement results, used for the manuscript Battu et al. We consider different mutants in Col-0... -
Evaluation results of a knee distraction unloader brace on a robotic test ben...
Dataset Description Dataset Description This dataset is associated with the publication titled "A Distraction Knee-Brace and a Robotic Testbed for... -
Data and programs used for the article "Reputation shortcoming in academic pu...
This set of data and programs were used to analyze the relationship between authors’ ties with professional editors and the publications of these authors in the editors’... -
Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant epidemio...
The “Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant epidemiomonitoring” is the annotation set of the “Corpus for the epidemiomonitoring of plant”. The... -
Corpus for the epidemiomonitoring of plant
The corpus is the collection of 165 documents on plant health to which the manual annotations of the 'Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant... -
Data for Real-time monitoring of replication errors
The dataset contains the raw data and codes for data analysis and simulations generated for the publication entitled Real-time monitoring of replication errors's fate reveals... -
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