Thorium-230 dating of speleothems WB-21-5-A and WA-21-6-A
The dataset includes speleothem U-Th ages used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem WB-21-5-A was collected in Wishbone Cave... -
WA-21-6-A and WB-21-5-A speleothem geochemistry
The dataset includes speleothem carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes, U-Th ages, and fluid inlcusion hydrogen isotopes used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the... -
12 year Northern Borneo cave drip water oxygen isotopic time series
We present ~twelve year-long time series of biweekly cave drip water (oxygen isotope) variations from three sites from Gunung Mulu National Park in Northern Sarawak, Borneo.... -
Abundance of N-cycling genes in an oxygen-deficient upwelling system during L...
Seawater samples were collected with 10-L Niskin bottles in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Concentrations of total N, total P, and gases in an oxygen-deficient upwellin...
Seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruise Maz V (April 2019) on... -
Oceanographic variables and nutrient concentrations in an oxygen-deficient up...
Hydrographic data and seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Prokaryotic community (mayor clades contributing >0.1% of the total 16S rRNA ...
Seawater samples were collected with 10-L Niskin bottles in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Hendy test of stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of speleothems WA-21-6...
The dataset includes Hendy test of speleothem carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes, used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem... -
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of speleothem WB-21-5-A
The dataset includes speleothem carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem WB-21-5-A was... -
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of speleothem WA-21-6-A
The dataset includes speleothem carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem WA-21-6-A was... -
Hydrogen isotope data from speleothem WB-21-5-A used for the paleotemperature...
The dataset includes speleothem fluid inlcusion hydrogen isotopes used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem WB-21-5-A was... -
Isotopic composition of drip water during slow wind in Gunung Mulu National P...
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Isotopic composition of drip water during fast wind in Gunung Mulu National P...
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Monthly mean precipitation and isotopic composition in Gunung Mulu National P...
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Isotopic composition of drip water in Lang's Cave (L2), Gunung Mulu National ...
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Diurnal precipitation measurements and isotopic composition in Gunung Mulu Na...
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Biweekly cave drip water (oxygen isotope) variations from three sites from Gu...
This dataset has no description
Biweekly cave drip water (oxygen isotope) variations from three sites from Gu...
This dataset has no description
Biweekly cave drip water (oxygen isotope) variations from three sites from Gu...
This dataset has no description
Biweekly cave drip water (oxygen isotope) variations from three sites from Gu...
This dataset has no description