Tintinnid community composition during a cruise to the Amundsen Sea in 2018
In this data, tintinnid species occurrence (abundance, ind./L) is presented for each sampling point (depth of a specified station with coordinates) during a cruise with research... -
(Supplementary Table 1) Mean absolute abundance of the tintinnid species with...
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/108-1
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/107-5
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/092-3
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/091-4
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/090-4
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/088-4
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/061-1
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/049-3
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/048-3
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/046-3
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/045-2
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/043-2
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/042-2
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/041-2
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/038-3
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/014-4
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/012-5
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Microzooplankton biomass measured on water bottle samples at station PS58/011-1
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