Benthic stable isotopes and bulk stable isotopes raw data of IODP Site 342-U1408
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Chronozones of IODP Site 342-U1410
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Ca/Fe-ratios of IODP Sites 342-U1408 and 342-U1410
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Bulk stable isotopes of IODP Site 342-U1408
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Benthic isotopes of IODP Site 432-U1408 and Site 342-U1410
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Age depth tiepoints of IODP Site 342-U1408 and 342-U1410
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Nannofossil datums refined of ODP Sites 208-1263
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Total organic carbon (TOC) concentration from drillhole FB2001 located in Mes...
We analyzed 10 samples from the FB2001 depth interval 10-9 m for their Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content. This new data set is supplementary to the existing TOC record of... -
Tie points of drillhole FB2001 located in Messel (Darmstadt)
Age-depth tie points (in ka) for drillcore FB2001, based on astronomical tuning methods outlined in Kaboth-Bahr et al. (2024). -
Sedimentation rate of drillhole FB2001 located in Messel (Darmstadt)
The sedimentation rates derived from astronomical tuning of sediment core FB2001 based on astronomical tuning methods outlined in Kaboth-Bahr et al. (2024). -
Gammy ray measurements from drillhole FB2001 located in Messel (Darmstadt)
The regularly spaced downhole gamma-ray log data (vertical sample rate = 0.1 m) from FB2001 located in Messel (Darmstadt) for the depth interval between 190 m to 1 m were... -
Total organic carbon (TOC) and δ13CTOC measurement from drillhole FB2001 loca...
The methodology for total organic carbon (TOC) and δ13CTOC measurement followed Bauersachs et al. (2014, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.06.015). In brief, for TOC concentrations,... -
XRD data of the Devonian Kellwasser Crisis interval (ca. 372 Ma) at Winsenber...
4 samples were analysed for their relative clay mineral content. Glass smear slides were prepared and measured on a Philips X'Pert Modular Powder Diffractometer at the... -
X-ray fluorescence Ca/Fe-ratios of IODP Site 369-U1514
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Bulk stable isotopes of IODP Site 369-U1514
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Lower to middle Eocene astronomically-tuned Ca/Fe-ratios and bulk stable isot...
The geologic time scale for the Cenozoic Era has been notably improved over the last decades by virtue of integrated stratigraphy, combining high-resolution astrochronologies,... -
Total organic carbon data of the Devonian Kellwasser Crisis interval (ca. 372...
A total of 34 samples (35 cm average sample spacing) were analysed for organic carbon d13C in order to identify the two characteristic positive excursions associated with the... -
Calibrated pXRF data of the Devonian Kellwasser Crisis interval (ca. 372 Ma) ...
A total of 556 samples (3 cm average sample spacing) were collected from the 12 m long Winsenberg section in order to reconstruct a floating timescale using cyclostratigraphic... -
pXRF data of the Devonian Kellwasser Crisis interval (ca. 372 Ma) at Winsenbe...
A total of 556 samples (3 cm average sample spacing) were collected from the 12 m long Winsenberg section in order to reconstruct a floating timescale using cyclostratigraphic... -
Depth levels and associated (floating) age of SiO2/CaO depth record of the De...
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