Ljuset hemma
Aim: To investigate the current lighting situation in Swedish homes with regard to lamp purchasing behaviour, lighting characteristics and light related behaviour. Primary... -
Tabellarisk sammanfattning av 58 pedagogiska utredningar från Sverige och Tys...
The file contains two tables with anonymized information from SEN assessment reports. The assessments have been conducted in Sweden and Germany. Data består av två... -
Innovationsspridning och upptagandet av innovationer i lantbrukssföretag och ...
The aim of this study is firstly to systematically explore, analyse, report on and synthesise the scientific studies on the topic of diffusion and adoption of innovations from... -
Enkät till europeiska universitetsbibliotek 2017 - användarenkäter och andra ...
In 2015 a working group was commissioned by LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, charged with investigating lessons learned and good practices in library... -
The impacts of trust, cost and risk on collaboration in environmental governance
Collaborative approaches to environmental governance are drawing increased interest in research and practice. In this article we investigate the structure and functioning of... -
Methodological considerations for identifying Questionable Publishing in a Na...
The overall scope of this study is an attempt at a methodological framework for matching publication lists at the national level against a combined set of blacklists for... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
The DREAM Dataset: Behavioural data from robot enhanced therapies for childre...
This dataset comprise behavioural data recorded from 61 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The data was collected during a large-scale evaluation of Robot... -
Cape Town Green Open Space Amenity Valuation Study - 2016
A survey on peoples’ preferences for outdoor recreation areas in Cape Town. It was collected as part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six... -
Dar es Salaam Urban Parks and Green areas Survey - 2016
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2013
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Impacts of reducing water collection times in rural Kenya: Meru ESM RCT
We measured momentary well-being using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) among 220 water collectors in rural Meru County, Kenya over eight weeks. Subjects reported on affect... -
Svenska partimedlemsundersökningen 2015, fullständigt dataset
In the early part of 2015, the party secretaries of six of the eight Swedish Riksdag parties (plus the Feminist Initiative as the only other Swedish party represented in the... -
The Swedish folk high school database collects the catalogs of folk high schools between the years 1952-2019. The catalogs contain descriptions of the folk high school as a form... -
Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 2014
The European Parliament Election Study 2014 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). This... -
Vardagsmiljöer och aktiviteter hos barn och personal i svenska förskolor
How preschool teachers and children spend their time in preschool is important for children's engagement and learning. The study aims to give a broad description of how often... -
Mönster i barns observerade delaktighet och närhet till liten grupp med lärar...
Swedish preschool is a preschool for all children and free play is an important educational activity. The question is whether all children are participating (ie, are attending... -
Svenska partiprogram och valmanifest
Swedish party programs and election manifestos from 1897 until today. All documents are also open available at page: https://snd.gu.se/vivill, where it is possible to search in...