DMS/O/P cycling in coastal NE subarctic Pacific phytoplankton assemblages exp...
This dataset is associated with the article "A potential photo-protective, antioxidant function for DMSO in marine phytoplankton" accepted for publication in PLOS ONE. The... -
ISIS-Fish database and simulation of the Toulon's common white seabream (Dipl...
We have developed a modelling tool encompassing fish population dynamics and fisheries management to assess the consequence of implementing artificial structures within port... -
Amazonian shelf break echo integrated data from AMAZOMIX cruise
Entitled AMAZOMIX, this campaign traveled over the Amazonian shelf break and continental slope to study the impact of currents, the Amazon plume¹ and turbulent processes² on... -
MALDI-TOF database for the identification of potentially pathogenic Vibrio in...
In mollusc aquaculture, a large number of Vibrio species are considered as major pathogens that can cause high losses in hatchery and field. Thus, development of effective... -
Data investigating hydrogen peroxide fluxes and fate in a temperate seagrass ...
Seagrass ecosystems rank among the most productive marine environments on the planet, hosting high cycling rates of a range of globally relevant elemental cycles. While the... -
Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions in western Brittany (Bay of Brest...
The Bay of Brest (BB, western Brittany, NW France) is a semi-enclosed basin of 180 km² subject to macro-tidal dynamics and to the fluvial influences of the rivers Aulne and... -
Drifter deployment within the Glider South project in the Central Mediterrane...
The time series data consist of the trajectory for one drifter, released on the 23rd April 2017, and two drifters released on 16th June 2017. The drifters were deployed off the... -
Evaluation of submesoscale variability by glider missions and high-resolution...
This study delves into the role of submesoscale processes within a stratified coastal environment, using three months of high-resolution glider data and a realistic simulation... -
SUBSAINTES Cruise - ROV VICTOR photomosaics, French Antilles - GEOTIFFS (navi...
Photomosaics acquired by ROV Victor during dives #653, #654, #655, and #658, along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles). The images, acquired with the ROV vertical camera, were... -
protevs GIB20 - camarinal sill
A new extensive field experiment, PROTEVS GIB20, was performed in the Strait of Gibraltar in October 2020 on the R/V "L'Atalante". Part of this experiment was dedicated to... -
Eiffel Tower: A Deep-Sea Underwater Dataset for Long-Term Visual Localization
Visual localization plays an important role in positioning and navigation of robotics systems within previously visited environments. When visits occur over long periods of... -
MAP-IO (Marion Dusfresne Atmospheric Program - Indian Ocean) flow cytometry
The MAP-IO (Marion Dusfresne Atmospheric Program - Indian Ocean) program aims to make up for the lack of observation in this region of the earth by equipping the Marion Dufresne... -
The Green Edge cruise: following the evolution of the Arctic phytoplankton sp...
The Green Edge project was designed to investigate the onset, life and fate of a phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) in the Arctic Ocean. The lengthening of the ice-free period and... -
Historical sea-level measurements at Bakar (east Adriatic)
The dataset includes hourly averages of sea level measured at the tide-gauge station Bakar in the northern Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Sea levels are expressed in centimetres... -
COAST-HF-Marel-Iroise buoy’s time series (French Research Infrastructure ILIC...
The COAST-HF-MAREL-Iroise buoy is a scientific plateform to monitor at high frequency (subhourly) and for long term (since 2000) the coastal ecosystem of the Bay of Brest, which... -
French PIRATA cruises: acoustic data
This dataset contains acoustic data collected with scientific echosounders in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises performed onboard the French R/V Thalassa from 2015 to 2024 in... -
Altimetry-drived Antarctic Circumpolar Current fronts
An up-to-date map of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) fronts is constructed from the latest version of mean dynamic topography from satellite altimetry (Park et al.,... -
LION observatory data
The Lion mooring is located in the center of the Gulf of Lion where one of the largest open sea convection happens in the winter period. This open sea convection is an active... -
Trajectory data for APEX floats AWI 9223 and AWI 9224 from acoustic tracking ...
Trajectory data for APEX floats 9223 and 9224 along Dronning Maud Land and Coats Land in the southern Weddell Sea from Mar 2022 - Feb 2023. The APEX floats were deployed during... -
Fiordland glaciers and the Subtropical Front (SW Pacific) during the last gla...
Mountain glaciers are highly sensitive, purely physical monitors of climatic conditions. Geochemical and mineralogical data from core TAN1106-28 (48.372°S, 165.659°E) in the...