KiVa Teacher Data
This dataset contains survey data of 158 Dutch primary school teachers. The teachers were part of the evaluation of the Dutch version of the KiVa anti-bullying program and... -
Het proces van sociale integratie van jong-volwassenen 1987-1992
Longitudinal life situation survey of three cohorts of adolescents and young adults, initially aged 18, 22 and 26 years, during 1987 to 1991. Themes: parental family / housing... -
Regional elections : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Vrijetijdsomnibus 2016 - VTO 2016
De VrijeTijds Omnibus (VTO) wordt in samenwerking uitgevoerd door het Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), vanaf 2012... -
Schoolverzuim 1979
Finding causes of truancy at lower vocational training schools in Amsterdam. Appreciation of school / subjects of study / teachers / motivation / aspirations / absence from... -
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989-1994 (DPES/NKO 1989-1994), panel data
Assessing electoral change in the Netherlands. First wave: reading of newspapers / tv newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership... -
Bereik en waardering van een advertentie over de Haagse gemeentebegroting 1974
Interest in local government / interest in information about municipal budget / opinion on government advertisement about budget / effects of the advertisement. Background... -
Italianen in Nederland 1975
Contacts with family of ( Dutch ) wife and with family in Italy / motivation for coming to Holland / information on Holland before departure / job in Holland ( satisfaction,... -
Toezichtkaart (voorheen Kwaliteitskaart) Voortgezet Onderwijs 2014 - versie 1.0
*** Let op: dit is niet de meeste recente versie van deze data, zie relations voor de update *** Jaarlijks produceert de Inspectie van het Onderwijs opbrengstenoverzichten voor... -
Werkende vrouw in Europa 1983-1984
Position of women versus men at the labour market. Occupational career / kind of job, responsibilities, adequacy of job / sex of superior and colleagues / career possibilities... -
Bont en blauw
Dit zijn de resultaten van een landelijk onderzoek naar de wijze waarop geweldszaken tegen politieambtenaren worden behandeld. In het onderzoek is nagegaan in hoeverre de... -
The 2011 political parties expert survey in Greece
The aim of this study is to estimate the ideological and policy positions of political parties in Greece during the 'Great Recession'. The survey includes expert estimates... -
Image binnenstad Den Haag 1972
Frequency of visiting the centre of the Hague by day, in the evening / kind of transport on working days or in weekends / frequency of use of car to go to centre / route in... -
Kinderopvang en arbeidsparticipatie van vrouwen 1986-1987
Availability and use of day-nursery facilities in connection with labour participation of women. Number and age of children / occupational status / respondents having a job:... -
Expectations about the effectiveness of pain- and itch-relieving medication a...
This datapackage contains the data files relevant for the publication:Peerdeman, K. J., Tekampe, J., Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., van Middendorp, H., Rippe, R. C. A., Peters, M. L.,... -
Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850, Kohier 1748
The MS-Access database KOHIER1748 is almost completely based on the archival source of the "Kohier van het Provisioneel Middel tot remplacant der afgeschafte pagten van 1748"... -
Anansi Masters - Curacao G14 - Eleonora, Calviany - Nanzi collects eggs
Nanzi collects eggs told by Calviany Eleonora, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project in Curacao. Subject: Never be greedy. Description: Nanzi steals eggs from Snake.... -
Rondje non-reponse 1977
Normally at home / leisure time activities / sense of political efficacy / attitude to consumption, consumer organizations, towards business and its power and policy /... -
Leefbaarheid en veiligheid, stadspeilingen 2009 en 2011
Onderzoek naar de problemen die bewoners van Amersfoort ervaren in hun eigen buurt, hoe men aankijkt tegen de voorzieningen, het sociale leefklimaat, het onderhoud van de... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1975
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for move / influence of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /...