Wikipedia Infobox Mapping PL
Mapping between infobox attributes used in Polish Wikipedia and KPWr named entity schema. -
Lists of semantic relatedness
Dystrybucyjne Podobieństwo Semantyczne (DPS, ang. Measure of Semantic Relatedness) obrazuje podobieństwo pomiędzy parami wyrazów na podstawie analizy ich współwystępowania w... -
Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century Polish Novels
Corpus of late 19th- and early 20th-century literary texts intended as benchmark collection for text categorization. It contains 100 Polish novels written by various authors.... -
KPWr EVENTS (Attributes and Relations)
Documents from Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology manually annotated with Attributes for EVENT instances and relations between EVENTS instances -
Korpus Test Poznań
Korpus testowy na potrzeby DSS w Poznaniu. -
WiKNN Text Classifier
WiKNN is an online text classifier service for Polish and English texts. It supports hierarchical labelled classification of user-submitted texts with Wikipedia categories.... -
Emotional Annotations Dictionary
List of lexical units with emotional annotation extracted from Polish Wordnet (Słowosieć 4.0) -
MWE Krzemieniecka
Hanna Krzemieniecka -
Word combination lexicons
10 lexicons comprising of several hundreds word combinations exhibiting various stages of lexicalisation (from free word combinations to fixed idioms) manually annotated by many... -
Wikinews korpus próbny
Set of files containing wikinews -
MWE Domańska
Antonina Domańska -
Cleaned Polish Oscar corpus (32M lines)
Cleaned Polish Oscar corpus (part: 32M lines, 3.35 GB). Data was prepared with a few cleaning heuristics: - remove sentences shorter than - remove non-polish sentences... -
Klasyfikacje reczne artykułów
HS1 _ teo|rel 373 HS1_fil|et 238 HS2 _ jez 1812 HS2_ art|arc 32 HS2_bib_inf 1773 HS2_kul 449 HS2_lit 264 HS3 etn|antro 18 HS3 arche 284 HS3_ his 211 HS3_archi|dok 68 HS6_ped 466... -
Polish Spatial Texts (PST) 1.0
Texts derived from polish travel blogs manually annotated with spatial expressions, A spatial expression is a text fragment which describes a relative location of two or more... -
Uzupełnienie Rozwadowski
Uzupełnienie tekstów z tomu "O zjawiskach i rozwoju języka" Jana Rozwadowskiego -
Representation of sentence semantic with deepened semantic graphs. Graphs are composed based on the output of saper tool https://clarin-pl.eu/dspace/handle/11321/278 -
Metaphor annotations in Polish political debates from 2020 (TVP 2019-10-01 an...
The data published here are a supplementary for a paper to be published in Metaphor and Social Words (under revision). Two debates organised and published by TVP and TVN were... -
Summary is text summarizer which based on the most importat sentences extraction. -
Wiki test
Wikipedia, kategorie Szachy i Samochody - zbiór testowy dla klasyfikatora -
Toposław 2
Toposław 2 is an editor of multi-word unit inflection lexicons.