MWELexicon 1.1
Lexicon of 56,5k multi-word lexical units linked to plWordNet, together with description of their syntactic bahaviour obtained in constraint language (WCCL). -
Entailment is a tool for recognizing semantic relations between sentences. -
Spis tagów używanych w narzędziach
Opis tagów morfosyntaktycznych na potrzeby instrukcji narzędzi CLARIN-PL -
Liner2.5-events and event relations
Liner2.5 configured for the recognition of event attributes and event relations -
Mowa Wrocławia lat 80-tych - corpus
The corpus comprises spoken data collected in the 1980s in Wrocław. The data were retrieved from tapes and digitalised. -
NELexicon to gazetteer nazw własnych, który zawiera ponad 1.4 miliona unikalnych nazw własnych przypisanych do kategorii (par kategoria; nazwa), w tym ponad 1.37 miliona... -
PoLitBert_v32k_tri_50k - Polish RoBERTa model
Polish RoBERTa model trained on Polish Wikipedia, Polish literature and Oscar. -
The corpus comprises 30 focused structured interviews (17 hours and ca. 200000 word tokens) centred on the topic of emotions. The corpus has bibliographic, morphosyntactic and... -
Teksty reklam TVP ABC ver.3
kompletny korpus -
WCRFT is a morphosyntactic tagger for Polish. The tagger brings together Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and tiered tagging of plain tekst. -
DiaBiz.Kom sample 1.0
DiaBiz.Kom sample is a sample of DiaBiz.Kom corpus, which is a dialog corpus comprising transcriptions of phone-based customer-agent interactions in several key business domains... -
Big Data language model - subword - SYLLABED - ARPA
Big data language model based on syllabes in ARPA format. -
plWordNet 4.5
PLWordNet ver. 4.5 is a lexico-semantic network that reflects the lexical system of the Polish language with projection to the English language. Słowosieć, Princeton Wordnet,... -
Big Data language model - second version - ARPA
Big Data language model - second version - ARPA -
Liner2.5 rc3
A framework for multitask sequence labeling dedicated for natural language processing tasks. -
Tests for Word Embeddings
Evaluation tools (WBST, HWBST, EWBST) for word embedding models used to assess and compare the usefulness of different word embeddings -
Morfeusz 2
Morfeusz 2 is a dictionary based morphological analyser and generator for Polish. This version of the program is decoupled from the dictionary. Two dictionaries of Polish... -
expose 1990-2014
expose MSZ 1990-2014 -
opis -
The corpus comprises open interviews with Polish people residing in Scotland.