Liner2 temporal expressions model
Liner2 model for temporal expression recognition and normalisation -
The procedure of the correction of plWordNet (ver. 1)
The pdf entails the specificationof tipical errors of lexicographic description of lexical units and synsets in plWordNet, and the procedure of them manual correction. -
MWE Żeromski
Stefan Żeromski -
Korpus test - Wikinews
Testowa baza na zajęcia -
SpatialPl is a tool for automatic recognition of spatial expressions in Polish texts -
Aleksander Zelwerowicz - teksty teatralne
Teksty teatralne Aleksandra Zelwerowicza -
Teksty reklam TVP ABC
teksty reklam emitowane na kanale TVP ABC miedzy lipcem 2014 a styczniem 2015 -
Wcrft test
Wcrft test -
How do Poles understand the concepts of feminism and feminist and how do they use these terms? Reconnaissance. -
Cleaned Polish Oscar corpus (128M lines)
Cleaned Polish Oscar corpus (part: 128M lines, 3.53 GB). Data was prepared with a few cleaning heuristics: - remove sentences shorter than - remove non-polish sentences... -
Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology 1.1 Korpus Języka Polskieg...
KPWr (Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology, pl. Korpus Języka Polskiego Politechniki Wrocławskiej) is a corpus of written and spoken documents available on the... -
Świgra is a parser of Polish generating constituency trees using a DCG style grammar stemming from Marek Świdziński’s grammar “Gramatyka formalna języka polskiego” (1992). The... -
OptaHopper: phrase-level sentiment with opinion targets
A phrase- and sentence-level sentiment analysis tool (deep-learning TreeLSTM, TreeHopper) integrated with opinion finding. Any sentiment dictionary may be used as an input... -
MEtadane artykulow naukowych
kolekcja rekordów metadanych artykułów naukowych z bibliotek cyfrowych w iIlości 146 tys. -
Informcje niefinansowe
Raporty informacji niefinansowych spółek notowanych na GPW w Warszawie -
Testowy MPW
Wypowiedzi europosłów -
Tool for creating predicate-argument structures based on syntactic trees created by Świgra parser (http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/%C5%9Awigra) -
przemowienia noworoczne 3
przemowienia 3 -
KPWr annotation guidelines - temporal expressions
Temporal expressions annotation guidelines describing the process of manual annotation of documents in Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr) -
Slowal is a web tool designed for creating, editing and browsing valence dictionaries. So far, it has mainly been used for creating The Polish Valence Dictionary (Walenty)....