653 datasets found

Language: Polish

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  • Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus

    Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus
  • Message board posts (pilot)

    Corpus of texts from message boards used to testing annotation of local grammar.
  • KPWr annotation guidelines - named entities

    Named entities annotation guidelines describing the process of manual annotation of documents in Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr)
  • MWE Godlewska

    Ludwika Godlewska
  • Slowal (2018-06-29)

    Slowal is a web tool designed for creating, editing and browsing valence dictionaries. So far, it has mainly been used for creating The Polish Valence Dictionary (Walenty)....
  • Bilingual Cascade Dictionary

    Bilingual Cascade Dictionary is a collection of dictionaries organised in a cascade with the top-most dictionaries having the highest priority in applications.
  • MWE Rodziewicz

    Maria Rodziewicz
  • plWordNet 4.0

    PLWordNet ver. 4.0 is a lexico-semantic network which reflects the lexical system of the Polish language with projection to the English language. Słowosieć, Princeton Wordnet,...
  • Elita władzy

    Elita władzy w województwach poznańskim i kaliskim za Zygmunta III
  • Nawałka

    Przeprowadzenie badań w celu analizy nad tematem pracy magisterskiej na temat "Wizerunek trenera piłki nożnej"
  • MWE Kuncewiczowa

    Maria Kuncewiczowa
  • ChunkRel WS

    ChunkRel-WS is a prototype service for recognition of three syntactic relations between chunks. The service may be run against plain text (input format: text), then the...
  • The Adventure of the Speckled Band 1.0 (manually tagged)

    "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" (pol. "Sherlock Holmes i Pstrokata Opaska") by Arthur Conan Doyle - modern Polish translation manually tagged with morphological...
  • KPWr annotation guidelines - events

    Events annotation guidelines describing the process of manual annotation of documents in Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr)
  • LexCSD

    Dostarcza wspólny interfejs dla kilku pakietów zawierających klasyfikatory, m.in. Weka, TiMBL, chyba też Orange i NLTK.

    WCRFT (Wrocław CRF Tagger) is a simple morpho-syntactic tagger for Polish producing state-of-the-art results. The tagger combines tiered tagging, conditional random fields (CRF)...
  • DiaBiz

    DiaBiz corpus is a dialog corpus comprising recordings and annotated transcriptions of phone-based customer-agent interactions in several key business domains.
  • Entry index and some auxiliary indexes to Linde's dictionary.

    This is the archive of the mercurial repository formerly available at https://bitbucket.org/jsbien/ilindecsv. It contain the entry index and some auxiliary indexes to Linde's...
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