Hells Bells project - results of sampling campaign in February 2020
This data set compiles the results of water chemical analyses as well as bulk chemical analyses of the particles suspended in the water columns of cenotes (sinkholes) obtained... -
Replication Data for: Taphonomic Insights from a Spatial Perspective: The Per...
This dataset contains the results of the macroscopic taphonomic analysis carried out on 6 individuals of Tapirus arvernensis and 1 individual of Stephanorhinus cf. jeanvireti... -
Anthropogenic land-use estimates for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2
Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or indirectly climate driven, and together with human driven... -
Capra pyrenaica 387
Skeleton of Capra pyrenaica 387. ObjExImg, 1.7.2 (3073) -
Lutra lutra 323
Skeleton of Lutra lutra 323. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Capreolus capreolus 73
Skeleton of Capreolus capreolus 73. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Gazella dama 404
Skeleton of Gazella dama 404. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Panthera uncia 71
Skeleton of Panthera uncia 71. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Panthera leo 93
Skeleton of Panthera leo 93. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Panthera tigris 1
Skeleton of Panthera tigris 1. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Bison bonasus 42
Skeleton of Bison bonasus 42. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Equus ferus przewalskii 374
Skeleton of Equus ferus przewalskii. ObjExImg, 1.7.2 (3073) -
Biodiversity data for invertebrates
Current and future biodiversity data in drying river networks -
Replication Data for: Charcoal and pollen analysis: Examples of Holocene fire...
The present study focuses on charcoal particles (a component of vegetal ashes, Bodí et al., 2014) counted during palynological analysis. The absolute frequencies of this... -
Lateglacial to Early Holocene recursive aridity events in the SE Mediterranea...
Twelve pollen-inferred aridity major and minor events (S1 to S12) have been identified at Salines playa lake (SE Iberian Peninsula, 475 m asl, 38° 30′ 02″ N 00° 53′ 18″ W) from... -
Illustrations of nature-based solutions for urban water management
This dataset features illustrations in raster format that represent different Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for urban water management, organized into two main categories... -
Calibrating and coding a weather station with MakeCode for a BBC micro:bit
Calibrating and coding a micro:bit v2 to work with a weather:bit micro:bit carrier board (Qwiic) for the SparkFun Weather Meter Kit. Grace, 5.1.25 -
Long-period magnetotelluric (MT) monitoring after 2021 volcanic eruption (Cum...
This dataset contains: <br>- Raw time series recorded at a long-period MT site located on La Palma (Canary Islands) during and after the 2021 volcanic eruption.... -
Electrification of the French automotive industry: modeling the influence of ...
This study models the evolution of the French electric vehicles fleet depending on different parameters, such as production or recycling capacities, average lithium amount per... -
ExpeSmartHouse - Données d'une maison connectée
Le projet Expe-smarthouse a été initié en 2019 afin de fournir les données d’un foyer de 120 m² où vit une famille de 5 personnes. Ce projet donne accès à environ 370 points de...