Replication Data for: Integrated InP-based transmitter for continuous-variabl...
The experimental procedure is explain in detail in our published article (DOI: 10.1364/OE.550386) Data processing methods: [Recommended | Describes how the published dataset was... -
TPCOMP: Temporal Point Clouds of a wOrkpiece in the Machining Process
Temporal point clouds sampled from a workpiece in progress using 16 different machining tools. The datasets were created using a machining simulation in the Unit Industrial... -
Calix[5]arene cavitand derived from 4-t-Bu-aniline
NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy data for new compounds reported in the associated manuscript. Includes mono-dimensional (1D) and bi-dimensional (2D) experiments:... -
Replication Data for: BBB-on-a-chip with integrated micro-TEER for permeabili...
Setup for Trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement in sterile conditions. Figure S2. Equivalent circuit and Nyquist plot of TEER from A) BBB-oC and B) control... -
Data related to research article "Spiropyran-Based Chromic Hydrogels for CO2 ...
Supplementary files of research article "Spiropyran-Based Chromic Hydrogels for CO2 Absorption and Detection". This research paper describes the preparation of... -
Experimental and Numerical Data on Topographical Neuronal Cultures
This dataset contains experimental recordings on neuronal cultures grown on PDMS topographical cultures, as well as the corresponding numerical simulations. Data is in the form... -
Replication Data for: Enantioselective molecular recognition in a flexible se...
NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy data for compounds reported in the associated manuscript. Includes mono-dimensional (1D) and bi-dimensional (2D) experiments: 1D... -
Replication Data for "Antagonistic Two-Color Control of Polymer Network Forma...
Supplementary files of research article "Antagonistic Two-Color Control of Polymer Network Formation". This research paper describes the preparation of patterned polymeric films... -
Replication Data for: "Amplified Light-Induced pKa Modulation with Diarylethe...
Raw data of the research article "Amplified Light-Induced pKa Modulation with Diarylethene Photoswitches" (J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 17991–18002 DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c01606).... -
Cavitand receptor for the binding of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes in water
Spectroscopic data for resorcin[4]arene derived octacarboxylate receptor, including binding data in aqueous media. SPECTROSCOPIC DATA NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)... -
Data for Transplanting rejuvenated blood stem cells extends lifespan of aged ...
This dataset contains the raw data of the experiments described in the paper "Transplanting rejuvenated blood stem cells extends lifespan of aged immunocompromised mice" by... -
Replication Data for: Adsorption of guanine on oxygen-deficient TiO2 surface:...
This dataset houses Replication Data for: Adsorption of guanine on oxygen-deficient TiO2 surface: A combined MD-DFTB/DFT strategy. The dataset shares the DFT-level computational... -
Replication data for "Controlling magneto-ionics by defect engineering throug...
This dataset collects all the data corresponding to the article entitled “Controlling magneto-ionics by defect engineering through light ion implantation"(Advanced Functional... -
Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer b...
Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer built by “click” chemistry as support for Ru-complexes in catalysis". Bruker Topspin, 4.1.1 or higher... -
SCC-DFTB/MD simulation: guanine-TiO2 adsorption model
This dataset houses simulation data for “SCC-DFTB/MD simulation: guanine-TiO2 adsorption model.” This set of simulations is a continuation of the set used in the related... -
Replication data for "Amplified photomodulation of a bis(dithienylethene)-sub...
The dataset shows the experimental and computational data provided in the main text and supporting information of the article "Amplified photomodulation of a... -
Replication data for "Dithienylethene-based photoswitchable phosphines for pa...
Raw data of research article "Dithienylethene-based photoswitchable phosphines for palladium-catalyzed Stille coupling reaction". This research paper describes two... -
Replication Data for "Lead-Free Semiconductors: Phase-Evolution and Superior ...
Raw data files for the research article "Lead-Free Semiconductors: Phase-Evolution and Superior Stability of Multinary Tin Chalcohalides". This paper describes the preparation... -
Replication Data for "Coexpression network analysis of the adult brain sheds ...
It contains the Supplementary Material of the following article: Coexpression network analysis of the adult brain sheds light on the pathogenic mechanism of DDR1 in... -
Replication data for “One and two-step electrodeposition of composite films o...
This dataset contains the information on our recent body of work on the electrodeposition of composite films comprising a calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite matrix with nanoscale...