Data related to research article "Spiropyran-Based Chromic Hydrogels for CO2 ...
Supplementary files of research article "Spiropyran-Based Chromic Hydrogels for CO2 Absorption and Detection". This research paper describes the preparation of... -
Replication Data for: "Amplified Light-Induced pKa Modulation with Diarylethe...
Raw data of the research article "Amplified Light-Induced pKa Modulation with Diarylethene Photoswitches" (J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 17991–18002 DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c01606).... -
Replication data for "Diverse Approaches for the Difunctionalization of PPH D...
This dataset contain all raw datas linked to analysis of synthesized molecules reported in the paper: "Diverse Approaches for the Difunctionalization of PPH Den-drimers. Precise... -
Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer b...
Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer built by “click” chemistry as support for Ru-complexes in catalysis". Bruker Topspin, 4.1.1 or higher...