Base de datos del análisis arqueométrico de elementos numismáticos argénteos ...
Base de datos que incluye monedas y otros objectos de plata procedentes de cuatro yacimientos de la edad del hierro del nordeste peninsular, datos entre el siglo VI i el II aC:... -
Catalog of Roman architectural terracottas from plaça de la Font (Tarragona)
This dataset contains a database with the catalog of the fifty fragments of architectural terracottas from the first half of the 1st century AD found in the excavation of Plaça... -
Replication data for: Construction, use and maintenance of hearths in Iberian...
[ENG] Supplementary material of the study of 19 hearths located in six archaeological sites in the territory of ancient Iberian Cesetania, with chronologies between the 5th and... -
Catalog of roman epigraphy from the ager Tarraconensis (Catalonia)
[ENG] This dataset contains a database with the catalog of more than a hundred epigraphic samples of the ager Tarraconensis between the I AD and VII AD. The catalog is divided... -
Archaeological intervention in La Roca site (Montroig del Camp, Baix Camp) in...
Data from the archaeological intervention programmed at the site of La Roca in the municipality of Mont-roig del Camp (Tarragona) carried out between June and July 2015. The... -
Head of Roman Circus in Tarragona
This planimetry document provides detailed information about the head of the Roman Circus in Tarragona, including plans, sections, and elevations. The vector format (DXF) allows... -
General planimetry of the Roman Circus in Tarragona
General planimetry of the Roman Circus in Tarraco. CAD file in DXF format of the known remains of the Roman Circus within the cadastral planimetry of the city of Tarragona.... -
Archaeological intervention in the Roman quarry of El Mèdol in 2013
Data from the archaeological intervention as a result of the rehabilitation and adaptation works to the Roman quarry Medol (Tarragona) carried out from April and December 2013....