Ergänzungsdaten zu: Reading Mesolithic Human Tracks with a Multi-Method Appro...
The richness of Mesolithic footprints in the Paul Ambert gallery of Aldène cave (Hérault, France) has been known for a long time. As part of a multidisciplinary project, the... -
Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Investigations at the Epigravettian site of Barmaky in...
Known since 1981 and investigated in several campaigns between 1982 and 2007, the site of Barmaky in north-west Ukraine has recently been the subject of renewed investigations... -
Prefrontal engrams of long-term fear memory and pain
This dataset contains electrophysiological spike time data and associated analysis procedures as well as image analysis scripts reported in Stegemann et al. Prefrontal engrams... -
Die Münchner Residenz als kommentierte 3D-Rekonstruktion [Data]
Die textbasierten Forschungsdaten zu der Dissertation: Die Münchner Residenz als kommentierte 3D-Rekonstruktion bestehen aus Transkriptionen, die zu umfangreich für eine... -
A Study of the Mesolithic Handle Core Technology in Schleswig-Holstein [Suppl...
Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit drei Fundplätzen aus Schleswig-Holstein, die flinttechnologisch untersucht werden, um die lokale Ausprägung des so genannten „handle core... -
Identification of novel functional mini-receptors by combinatorial screening ...
β-Sheet motifs such as the WW domain are increasingly being explored as building blocks for synthetic biological applications. Since the sequence-structure relationships of... -
Savage vs. Anscombe-Aumann: an experimental investigation of ambiguity framew...
The Savage and the Anscombe–Aumann frameworks are the two most popular approaches used when modeling ambiguity. The former is more flexible, but the latter is often preferred... -
Late-Stage Functionalisation of Peptides on the Solid Phase by an Iodination-...
The functionalisation of peptides at a late synthesis stage holds great potential, for example, for the synthesis of peptide pharmaceuticals, fluorescent biosensors or... -
Climate policy commitment devices [Dataset]
We develop a dynamic resource extraction game that mimics the global multi-generation planning problem for climate change and fossil fuel extraction. We implement the game under... -
Relationship of Thermostability and Binding Affinity in Metal-binding WW-Doma...
The design of metallo-miniproteins advances our understanding of the structural and functional roles of metals in proteins. We recently designed a metal-binding WW domain,... -
Delayed Risk in Individual and Social Decisions [Dataset]
This paper studies temporal-distance effects on individual and social risks, testing Construal Level Theory. We elicit WTPs for risky and ambiguous lotteries and vary the timing... -
Aufweichen, abbremsen, abschirmen – Wirtschaftsmetaphern zwischen politischer...
Our study examines the use of metaphors in the German discourse regarding European monetary and fiscal policy. Though this policy area sparked considerable interest among... -
Current knowledge on correlations between highly prevalent dental conditions ...
Introduction: There are existing studies investigating relationships between chronic systemic and dental conditions, but it remains unclear how such knowledge can be used in... -
Überlieferungsgemeinschaft in deutschsprachigen Handschriften: eine Netzwerka...
Sie finden hier die Abbildungen und die Forschungsdaten zum Aufsatz "Überlieferungsgemeinschaft in deutschsprachigen Handschriften: eine Netzwerkanalyse", erschienen in ZfdA 151... -
The Enactment of Public Participation in Rulemaking: A Comparative Analysis [...
These are the data for the replication of the statistical analysis in the article "The Enactment of Public Participation in Rulemaking: A Comparative Analysis". The dataset... -
Refining and validating change requests from a crowd to derive requirements [...
[Context/Motivation] Integrating user feedback into software development enhances system acceptance, decreases the likelihood of project failure and strengthens customer... -
Direct and indirect effects of adverse and protective childhood experiences o...
Analysis of the psychotherapy data from the HIP (Heidelberger Institute for Psychotherapy). We checked whether the speed of patients' symptom improvement depended on their... -
Thermally-induced neuronal plasticity that mediates heat tolerance [data]
Heat acclimation is an adaptive process that improves physiological performance and supports survival in the face of increasing environmental temperatures. Understanding the... -
A Minimalistic, Synthetic Cell-Inspired Metamaterial for Enabling Reversible ...
Strain-stiffening, i.e. the nonlinear stiffening of a material in response to a strain, is an intrinsic feature of many biological systems, including skin, blood vessels, and... -
Study Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for ALL POCUS TB Study ALL POCUS TB is a prospective, cross-sectional multicentre cohort study in which the accuracy and the...