Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Wildbad-Einoed, Austria
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
High resolution Digital Elevation Model of Merapi summit in 2015 generated by...
This data is an high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generated for the Merapi summit by combining terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)... -
FlotteKarte - a Python library for quick and versatile cartography based on P...
FlotteKarte is a low-overhead plotting routine using Matplotlib, NumPy, and PyPROJ under the hood. The conceptual idea behind this package is that a map is fully defined through... -
3D structural geological model of the Central South Wales Syncline, Great Bri...
South Wales is characterised by a rich variety of geologic formations and rocks of different ages and periods, and a large asymmetric syncline, as perhaps its most significant... -
Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts (SeisMIC)
Monitoring Velocity Changes using Ambient Seismic Noise SeisMIC (Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts) is a python software that emerged from the miic... -
Code for Methane Flux Data
This repository contains the codes produced for the article "Long-term observations reveal rise in early summer methane emissions from Siberian tundra" by Norman Rößger, Torsten... -
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Bad Blumau, Austria
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
3D-CEBS-TTH: transient thermohydraulic model of the Central European Basin Sy...
We provide a single file (exodus II format) that contains all results of the modeling efforts of the associated paper. This encompasses all structural information as well as the... -
North Patagonian Massif, Argentina: Lithospheric 3D gravity modelling using u...
We present a 3-D lithospheric-scale data-constrained structural model covering the area of North Patagonian Massif Plateau (NPM) and its surroundings. These data are... -
The geodeZYX toolbox: a versatile Python 3 toolbox for geodetic-oriented purp...
Operations such as time and coordinate conversions and data cleaning are routine tasks in geodesy and geophysics. Nevertheless, simple and efficient high-level functions to help... -
This code is a python implementation of the p- and s-wave velocity to density conversion approach after Goes et al. (2000). The implementation has been optimised for regular 3D... -
Tohoku University VO Server TAP service
The Tohoku University VO Server's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your... -
Solar wind model data
Solar wind model data -
Solar wind model data
TBD Iitate log periodic Radio antenna High Resolution data -
Solar wind model data
Iitate HF data
Iitate HF data
Iitate log periodic Radio antenna High Resolution data -
Solar wind model data
IITATE Planetary Radio Telescope(IPRT) / AMATERAS solar radio spectro-polarimeter Data -
Iitate Planetary Radio Telescope Data