Climate signals in stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes of lignin methoxy grou...
Stable hydrogen and carbon isotope ratios of wood lignin methoxy groups (δ13CLM and δ2HLM values) have been shown to be reliable proxies of past temperature variations. Previous... -
Capturing complex star dune dynamics - Repeated highly accurate surveys combi...
Morphologies of highly complex star dunes are the result of aeolian dynamics in past and present times. These dynamics reflect climatic conditions and associated forces like... -
Stable Carbon Isotope Signature of Methane Released from Phytoplankton [Resea...
Aquatic ecosystems play an important role in global methane cycling and many field studies have reported methane supersaturation in the oxic surface mixed layer (SML) of the... -
3D-MAPP: 3D-MicroMapping of Big 3D Geo-Datasets in the Web
The research project 3D-MAPP develops a web-based methodology to obtain digital geodata via the combination of data analysis by human and machine. Through a quick and... -
M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by...
The analysis of topographic time series is often based on bitemporal change detection and quantification. For 3D point clouds, acquired using laser scanning or photogrammetry,... -
An Automatic Iterative Random Forest approach to derive gully activity maps i...
Gullies are landforms with specific patterns of shape, topography, hydrology, vegetation, and soil characteristics. Remote sensing products (TanDEM-X, Sentinel-1, and... -
Making plant methane formation visible – insights from application of 13C-lab...
Methane (CH4) formation by vegetation has been studied intensively over the last 15 years. However, reported CH4 emissions vary by several orders of magnitude, thus making... -
Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 image...
Public urban green spaces are important for the urban quality of life. Still, comprehensive open data sets on urban green spaces are not available for most cities. As open and... -
Manually labeled terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of individual trees ...
This dataset contains 11 terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) tree point clouds (in .LAZ format v1.4) of 7 different species, which have been manually labeled into leaf and wood... -
Integrating VGI contributions for gully mapping using Kalman filter and machi...
The codes and datsets included are related to experiments and results conducted to integrate different lines digitized by volunteers using Kalman filter with changing amount of... -
UAV laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of snow-on and...
This dataset consists of 3D point clouds acquired via UAV laser scanning (ULS) of a forest plot in the Black Forest in Hundseck, Germany. The plot was captured under snow... -
Unravelling the formation of Hells Bells: underwater speleothems from the Yuc...
Hells Bells are unique bell-shaped underwater speleothems recently discovered in deep meromictic sinkholes (cenotes) on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. In order to unravel the... -
3D Point Cloud from Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Center, Japan: Sample Data for...
This data set represents 3D point clouds acquired with LiDAR technology and related files from a subregion of 150*436 sqm in the ancient Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Center in... -
Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for quantification of 3D topographic c...
The analysis and interpretation of 3D topographic change requires methods that achieve low uncertainties in change quantification. Many recent geoscientific studies that perform... -
Mapping physical access to healthcare for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa ...
This repository contains data, figures and tables created for the paper "Mapping physical access to healthcare for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-sectional analysis... -
Continental subduction controls regional magma heterogeneity and distribution...
This dataset contains whole-rock geochemical and mineral chemical data for ultrapotassic volcanic rocks of the Efogi Volcanic Field, Papua New Guinea. Abstract: Continental... -
VOSTOK - The Voxel Octree Solar Toolkit
VOSTOK is a command-line tool to compute a detailed model of incoming solar radiation distribution on a patch of land, including structures like buildings and vegetation,... -
Sedimentological storm and tsunami record of Loch Flugarth, Shetland Islands ...
This dataset comprises the geochemical and sedimentological results of both publications Hess et al., 2023 and Engel et al., 2023. Hess et al., 2023: Severe storm flooding... -
Country‐Specific Participation Patterns in Transnational Governance Initiativ...
Contains data on transnational governance initiaties on sustainability. The data is self coded on the based of information provided by the tansnational governance initiatives on... -
Gully detection with Inverse Morphological Reconstruction Algorithm [data]
Characterization of micro-terrain features has been explored to detect gully objects in the terrain. An adaptation to the morphological reconstruction operator is implemented to...