Replication Data for: Polylactic acid nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) induce adverse ...
This dataset includes the images published in the paper "Polylactic Acid Nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) Induce Adverse Effects on an In Vitro Model of the Human Lung Epithelium: The... -
Geomagnetic observatory data, Ebre Observatory 2025
Geomagnetic observatory vector (X, Y, Z) and scalar (F) definitive data (quasi-definitive data are available until the definitive data are ready) recorded by the Ebre... -
Replication Data for: Taphonomic Insights from a Spatial Perspective: The Per...
This dataset contains the results of the macroscopic taphonomic analysis carried out on 6 individuals of Tapirus arvernensis and 1 individual of Stephanorhinus cf. jeanvireti... -
Análisis antracológico del yacimiento Las Camas de la Edad del Hierro y Grana...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Las Camas (Villaverde,Madrid). The attached data come from the anthracological record from an Iron age site. -
Informe de l’anàlisi antracològica del jaciment Ibèric dels Estinclells (Verd...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Els Estinclells (Verdú, Urgell). The attached data come from the anthracological record from an Iberian site. -
Informe de l'anàlisi antracològica del Born (Barcelona). Sectors 11 L, 11O, 1...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Mercat del Born (Barcelona). The attached data come from the anthracological record from a Modern Age. The updated dataset of... -
Resultats de l’anàlisi antracològica del jaciment Neolític, Ibèric i Romà de ...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Les Grases (Sant feliu de Llobregat, Baix Llobregat). The attached data come from the anthracological record from a Neolithic... -
Informe De l’anàlisi Antracològica Del Jaciment De Mas d’en Boixos (Pacs Del ...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Mas d’en Boixos (Pacs del Penedés). The attached data comes from one the study of several units from the Neolithic to Iberian site of... -
Informe de l'anàlisi antracològica de 7 carbons de la Cova de Petrolí (Cabane...
Anthracological data from the site of cova del Petroli (Cabanes, Castelló). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses from the Late Neolithic and Bronze age site of... -
Informe del análisis antracológico de 8 carbones de El Llano de la Horca (San...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at El Llano de la Horca (Santorcaz, Madrid). The attached data come from the anthracological record from an Iron age. -
Análisis antracológico de 2 muestras de carbón de la primera edad del hierro ...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Dessobriga (Osorno, Burgos). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of several units from the iron age site of Dessobriga. -
Análisis Antracológico Del Yacimiento Del S. III A.C. Del Cerro De Las Cabeza...
Anthracological data from the site of El Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses from the Iron Age site of El Cerro de... -
Data for Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Senecio pterophorus from the native and i...
This file contains data on concentrations of pyrrolizidine alkaloids measured in leaves and seeds from Senecio pterophorus plants collected at their native range in Eastern... -
Replication Data for "Impact of Hydrocarbon Extraction on Heavy Metal Concent...
En la Amazonía Peruana se han desarrollado prácticas de extracción de petróleo desde la década de 1920, lo que ha provocado una graves contaminación ambiental debido a los... -
Dataset with TEM and Confocal Microscopy Images of Polystyrene Nanoplastics (...
TEM and Confocal Microscopy Images of Polystyrene Nanoplastics (PS-NPLs) with Different Sizes and Surface Functionalizations in HUVECs Nanoplastic Types: Carboxylated PS... -
Capra pyrenaica 387
Skeleton of Capra pyrenaica 387. ObjExImg, 1.7.2 (3073) -
Anàlisis antracològica del jaciment talaiotic de Biniparratx (Menorca)
Anthracological data from the excavation at Biniparratx. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of the assemblage fragments from the talaiotic site of Biniparratx. -
Informe de l’anàlisi antracològica dels carbons del jaciment Romà Carrer Ramo...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Carrer Ramon y Cajal (Tarragona. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of the assemblage from the roman site of Carrer... -
Informe de l’anàlisis de 8 carbons del jaciment ibèric de Barranc de Gàfols (...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Barranc de Gàfols. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of eight fragments from the protohistoric site of Barranc de... -
Lutra lutra 323
Skeleton of Lutra lutra 323. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077)