Natuurgebied Lieftinghsbroek, Westerwolde, Oost-Groningen. Projectnummer dend...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Druten Klepperheide, Romeinse villa. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichti...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Leiden Nieuwe Rijn 22. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2003100
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Travenhorst mottekasteel. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Deventer Gasthuis. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2004001
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Rotterdam Joubertstraat/Paul Krugerstraat, fundering. Projectnummer dendrochr...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Zuiderzeemuseum (scheepsmodelbouw). Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichtin...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Voorburcht, Kasteel Heeswijk. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Deventer Rielerenk, huisplattegrond. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichti...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
De Wolden, Motte Borgbarchien. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RIN...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Gees, Motte Kunenberg. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2002095
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Nederweert-Rosveld, waterput. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Venetië onderzoek houtdegradatie (Bacpoles, EU). Projectnummer dendrochronolo...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Venetië onderzoek houtdegradatie (Bacpoles, EU). Projectnummer dendrochronolo...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Elst Westeraam, pallisade Romeins tempelterrein. Projectnummer dendrochronolo...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Barneveld Harselaar, waterput. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RIN...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Elst, vicus. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2002113
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Veeneik Ens. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2003018
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Veeneik Schaaphok Rijpmaweg. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING)...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
's Hertogenbosch gebouw Drie Kronen. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichti...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the...