LANDMATE PFT land cover dataset for North America 2015 (Version 1.1)
The LANDMATE PFT dataset provides a land cover map for North America for the year 2015 in 0.1° (~10 km). The dataset is based on land cover data of the ESA Climate Change... -
Indicators data and metadata
Data and metadata associated with the article: Fairbrass, A. et al. (In press) ‘Indicator-based natural capital reporting to inform decision-making in the Brazilian Pantanal’,... -
Confronting Price Endogeneity in a Duration Model of Residential Subdivision ...
Spatial equilibrium implies that distant factors are correlated with local prices through market mechanisms. Using this logic, we develop a novel approach for handling price... -
The impacts of devolution policy for mangrove forest management in the Mekong...
Mangrove forests are known to provide many ecological services and sources of livelihood to local community. The policy of contracting mangrove forest to households for... -
Östergötland Västanstång: studier över det äldre agrarlandskapet och dess urs...
This study is an investigation of the agrarian landscape in the western part of Ostergotland County (in Sweden). The study was published in the form of a dissertation in Human... -
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2015
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the... -
Klimathistorisk databas för Sverige 1500-1870
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited... -
Landanvändningstyper i sydvästra Etiopien, 1974 - 2011
This data set contains land use types for 246 fields in Gera district in Southwestern Ethiopia. I collected this data in 2011 as part of a PhD project. Twenty-one smallholding... -
Dar es Salaam Urban Parks and Green areas Survey - 2016
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Noise levels dataset - Central House Roof (29.03.2021-05.04.2021)
This dataset is part of the "Sound Levels Monitoring Project in London (UK)" collection - a long-term noise monitoring campaign carried out by UCL Institute for Environmental... -
Noise levels dataset - St Pancras New Church (22.02.2021-01.03.2021)
This dataset is part of the "Sound Levels Monitoring Project in London (UK)" collection - a long-term noise monitoring campaign carried out by UCL Institute for Environmental... -
Noise levels dataset - St Pancras New Church (01.03.2021-08.03.2021)
This dataset is part of the "Sound Levels Monitoring Project in London (UK)" collection - a long-term noise monitoring campaign carried out by UCL Institute for Environmental... -
Noise levels dataset - St Pancras New Church (15.02.2021-22.02.2021)
This dataset is part of the "Sound Levels Monitoring Project in London (UK)" collection - a long-term noise monitoring campaign carried out by UCL Institute for Environmental... -
Cloud-sliced nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the global upper troposphere derived f...
Files of seasonal means of the two TROPOMI upper tropospheric NO2 products obtained using the cloud slicing technique. The files include mixing ratios of NO2 in the upper... -
GEOS-Chem model output and local and national monitoring network measurements...
Data include air pollutant surface concentrations simulated with the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model and measured at local and national monitoring networks in the... -
Analysis of the ecosystem services of mangrove to aquaculture and fisheries i...
In this study, which will cover six provinces in south Vietnam, we expect to find out the optimal level of mangrove coverage for shrimp farming systems, considering the benefits...