Dataset for Inversion of GISAXS data (1 layer)
The dataset consists of 50000 X-ray diffraction patterns simulated by BornAgain [1] software. For each simulation, a multilayer sample model of the following structure was used:... -
Data publication: Effects of gravity modulation on the dynamics of a radial A...
Raw image data of the reaction-diffusion-advection front experiments in radial Hele-Shaw cells. Including experiments in ground 1-g conditions and parabolic flight experiments. -
Data publication: Density functionals with spin-density accuracy for open shells
Data for the figures of the main paper (https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0071991) and supplementary information, arranged by figure number. Notes: - A few... -
Data publication: Three-dimensional distribution of platinum group minerals i...
Datensatz zur 2D und 3D Verteilung von Platin Gruppen Mineralen (PGM) . Außerdem verschiedene spektren welche mittels spektraler tomographie gemessen wurden.... -
Data publication: Temperature-induced surface faceting of M-plane Al₂O₃: An i...
-- raw data of GISAXS experiment -- AFM data -- GISAXS simulation files -
Data publication: Structure and Thermodynamics of Eu(III) and Cm(III) Complex...
TRLFS spectra; NMR spectra; QMMM data -
Supplementary material: Ph.D. dissertation of Lucas Pereira, TU Bergakademie ...
This supplementary material supports the Ph.D. dissertation of Lucas Pereira, submitted to the Faculty 3 of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. C2.SM1.Percentiles.xlsx: Mentioned in... -
Results for: Analysen zur Anwendbarkeit verschiedener Strahlbahn-Monitoring-K...
Auswertungen der Daten für die Masterarbeit Analysen zur Anwendbarkeit verschiedener Strahlbahn-Monitoring-Konzepte für die ultraschnelle... -
Comprehensive Bonding Analysis of Tetravalent f-Element Complexes of the Type...
Zip-File with the xyz-files of the optimized structures of the studied complexes. Further information can be found in the respective paper and supplementary information. -
Data for: Spin-wave dynamics and symmetry breaking in an artificial spin ice
These data are related to the https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.04505 publication entitled: Spin-wave dynamics and symmetry breaking in an artificial spin ice The... -
Acidified water glass in the selective flotation of scheelite from calcite, p...
NMR dataset to the publication: Acidified water glass in the selective flotation of scheelite from calcite, part II: species in solution and related mechanism of the depressant -
PIConGPU setup: PWFA simulations
This is the PIConGPU source code and setup files for generating PWFA simulations. This setup was used to study wake elongation. This is a simulation setup accompanying a... -
Data for: The influence of negatively charged silica nanoparticles on the sur...
The presence of negatively charged nanoparticles affects the surface activity of anionic surfactants in an aqueous phase. Recent studies suggest that electrostatic repulsive... -
Raw data: "Quantification of peptide bound particles: A phage mimicking appro...
This set contains the raw data of the fluorescence scanning experiments used in the publication of "Quantification of peptide bound particles: A phage mimicking approach... -
cupla - C++ User interface for the Platform independent Library Alpaka
cupla [qχɑpˈlɑʔ] is a simple user interface for the platform independent parallel kernel acceleration library alpaka. It follows a similar concept as the NVIDIA®... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 2 (2005), 2975-3387m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 ENG (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
Experimental data of indirect Tensile, Uniaxial Compressive and Triaxial Comp...
An experimental investigation was implemented to explore the mechanical parameters of the Odenwald reservoir granitoids. The specimen within this research project was the... -
3D DAS-VSP data from the Groß Schönebeck site, Germany, February 2017
An extensive vertical seismic profiling (VSP) survey using wireline distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology was carried out between the 15th and 18th of February 2017 at... -
Frequency-dependent quality factors of S-coda waves from active ultrasonic tr...
Mean S-wave coda quality factors (mean-Qc) were estimated from active ultrasonic transmission (UT) measurements acquired during the STIMTEC project in the URL Reiche Zeche...