Supporting data for the paper: Mitonuclear interactions produce diverging res...
Dataset supporting the Frontiers in Genetics paper. Please see "read me" file for information on how to use the data. -
Spindle reorientation in response to mechanical stress is an emergent propert...
The zipped folder contains the data related to each of the figures and supplementary figures of the manuscript. -
PCD Detect: Enhancing ciliary features though image averaging and classification
A package of programs to analyse ciliary cross sections to help detect primary ciliary dyskinesia defects. -
Cell-scale biophysical determinants of cell competition in epithelia
This dataset contains: -data used to compare computer simulations of cell competition to experiments -code, raw data, and processed data of the simulations detailled in the... -
Scanning electron micrographs: dorsal root ganglia
Scanning electron micrographs of dorsal root ganglia neurons associated with Pocratsky et al 2023, Science Translational Medicine SEM_DRG_metaData.xlsx: summary of raw images... -
Tension at intercellular junctions is necessary for accurate orientation of c...
In growing epithelia, divisions are typically oriented in the epithelial plane to drive tissue expansion. In some organs, divisions are then re-oriented so that they occur... -
cellX-predict code
cellX-predict software -
Running through the Who, Where, and When - Data and Publication
Understanding visual narratives requires readers to track dimensions of time, spatial location, and characters across a sequence. Previous work has found situational changes...