European hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2010-2022 based on LPJ-GUE...
The product is generated in 2023. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
European hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2021 based on LPJ-GUE...
The product is generated in 2022. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
Global hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2020 based on LPJ-GUESS...
The product is generated in 2021. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
Global hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2021 based on LPJ-GUESS...
The product is generated in 2022. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
Grain size distributions and parameters of soils along a chronosequence at th...
This dataset contains proportions of grain size classes, the median grain size, and the differential grain size distribution for the size fraction 40–311 nm of 32 soil samples... -
Soil physicochemical parameters along a chronosequence at the coastal alluvia...
This dataset summarizes the following physicochemical parameters assessed for 32 soil samples sieved to <2 mm from 16 shallow soil profiles, which were sampled in two depth... -
Results of total soil chemical analyses on bulk sediment samples from the Ata...
This dataset comprises results of total soil chemical analyses of bulk sediment samples sampled along latitudinal and longitudinal transects between 19 - 25°S and 68.5 - 70.5°W... -
ARCADE: The pan-ARctic CAtchment DatabasE
Earth’s rapidly changing climate is particularly evident in the Arctic. Outside of the Arctic, the emergence of large-sample catchment databases has transformed science from an... -
FABM-NflexPD 1.0: cyclic-equilibria simulated by three model variants in an i...
Simulations obtained at (annually repeating) cyclic equilibrium with the three phytoplankton model variants (IA, DA, FS) in an idealized water column, as presented by Kerimoglu... -
Simulated Pre-Industrial Continental Shelf NEP and CO2 Fluxes by HAMOCC with ...
We provide coastal ocean Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) and air-sea CO2 fluxes originating from HAMOCC model realizations for pre-industrial and historical (1800-2015)... -
Forest ecosystems of Aukstaitija national park
Data on forest structure, condition, increment ans well as LAI, Leaf and soil chemistry are presented. Data on 20 permanant observation pine stands are presented. Investigations... -
Arctic Ocean sensitivity tests to doubling of riverine carbon and nutrient de...
This dataset provides model output from idealized NEMO-PISCES simulations on the ORCA1 configuration. The output includes five 80-years simulations: (1) a control run with... -
Replication Data for: On the phenology and seeding potential of sea-ice micro...
Concentrations of algal pigments and particulate organic carbon in sea ice in Ryder Bay (Antarctica), for the period 2013-2016.