Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring F...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from mooring F4-S-6 in the Fram... -
In-situ particle size distribution measured during each sampling
This table contains the in-situ particle size distribution data measured by laser diffraction (LISST100X, Sequoia) during each sampling. -
Conducted measurements during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flo...
This table contains measurements conducted during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flocculation experiment. Filtrates of gypsum and control treatments were amended... -
Selected colored dissolved organic matter propertie of the experimental flocc...
This table contains measurements of selected colored dissolved organic matter properties measured in size-fractioned dissolved organic matter after an ultrafiltration conducted... -
Laboratory measurements after the experimental flocculation
This table contains laboratory measurements from both treatments conducted after the experimental flocculation. -
Sensor data collected during the sampling in river Paimionjoki
This table contains sensor data collected during the sampling and all measurements that were conducted in the laboratory before any experimental manipulations. During each... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring F...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from mooring F4-S-5 in the Fram... -
Raw physical oceanography, ocean current velocity, bio-optical and biogeochem...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, ocean current velocities, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from... -
Raw physical oceanography, ocean current velocity, bio-optical and biogeochem...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, ocean current velocities, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring F...
Time-series data of physical oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from mooring F4-S-3 in the Fram Strait in July... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring H...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry and molecular biology were obtained from mooring HG-IV-S-4 in the Fram Strait in August 2019... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring F...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry and molecular biology were obtained from mooring F4-W-2 in the Fram Strait in August 2019 -... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical and biogeochemical data from mooring F...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry and molecular biology were obtained from mooring F4-W-1 in the Fram Strait in July 2018 -... -
Raw physical oceanography, ocean current velocity, bio-optical and biogeochem...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology and carbon/particle export were obtained from mooring HG-EGC-5 in the... -
Raw physical oceanography, bio-optical, biogeochemical and particle export da...
Time-series data of physical oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry, molecular biology, and carbon/particle export were obtained from mooring F4-S-3 in the Fram Strait in July... -
Raw physical oceanography and bio-optical data from mooring HG-IV-S-3 in the ...
Time-series data of physical & biological oceanography, nutrient biogeochemistry and molecular biology were obtained from mooring HG-IV-S-3 in the Fram Strait in July 2018 -... -
Underway CO2 measurements for 2-day upwelling front experiment during METEOR ...
Gas molar fraction of CO2 (1-min means) was calibrated according to the procedure described in Arevalo-Martinez et al. (2013) and references therein. * Fugacities of CO2 in... -
Continuous meteorological surface measurement during METEOR cruise M97
No calibrations or corrections have been applied to the raw data. Data is directly from ship system. 1-Minute spot (not averaged) values. -
Meteorological data of time series station Spiekeroog for 2023
The Time Series Station Spiekeroog (TSS) was setup in 2002, in the tidal inlet between the East Frisian Islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog in the Southern German Bight, at... -
Meteorological data of time series station Spiekeroog for 2022
The Time Series Station Spiekeroog (TSS) was setup in 2002, in the tidal inlet between the East Frisian Islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog in the Southern German Bight, at...