Hells Bells project - results of sampling campaign in February 2020
This data set compiles the results of water chemical analyses as well as bulk chemical analyses of the particles suspended in the water columns of cenotes (sinkholes) obtained... -
High-resolution stable oxygen, carbon isotope and Magnesium/Calcium ratio dat...
This dataset lists the results of stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements (in ‰ VPDB), and trace element analysis (Mg/Ca ratios in mmol mol-1) from Ocean Drilling Program... -
230Th/U-dating of subaqueous grown speleothems (Hells Bells) from the northea...
This dataset contains 80 U-Th ages of subaqueous grown speleothems (Hells Bells) from the north-eastern Yucatán Peninsula. These secondary carbonates were collected from three... -
Trace element and stable isotope data of subaqueous grown speleothems (Hells ...
This dataset provides geochemical data (trace elements and stable isotopes) of subaqueous grown speleothems (Hells Bells) from the north-eastern Yucatán Peninsula. These... -
Hells Bells project - results of sampling campaign in February 2020
This data set compiles the results of water chemical analyses as well as bulk chemical analyses of the particles suspended in the water columns of cenotes (sinkholes) obtained...