Kloostergebied in Albergen. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING):...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Rijksmuseum, kast van Sandwyck. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RI...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Noordzee, Eurogeul, scheepswrak. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting R...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Weert, rotonde Eindhovenseweg-Ringbaan Noord. Projectnummer dendrochronologie...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Krommenie, Oud-Katholieke Kerk. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RI...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Verzamelaarskast (BK-1956-38). Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RIN...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Tabernakelkast Stichting Het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Projectnummer dendrochron...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Opgraving in Nieuwkoop, Dorpsstraat (4110256). Projectnummer dendrochronologi...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Breda, Steenakker-Zuid. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 201...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Nijmegen (Lent), Zandsepad. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING):...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Veeneik uit wijk Oostpolder, Papendrecht. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (St...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Assen, waterput klooster. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Groningen, Brugstraat/Abrug. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING)...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Dominicuskwartier in Tiel (greppel en paalkuil). Projectnummer dendrochronolo...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Portugal, shipwreck 'Ria de Aveiro G'. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stich...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Scheepswrak BZN3. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2013042
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Roermond, Kraanpoort 3, balklagen. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Gemeente Drechterland, begeleiding Dijkversterking Zuiderdijk, dijklichaam, h...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Zwolle, Sassenpoort. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2013010
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the... -
Venlo, Gasthuisstraat 15, kap. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RIN...
Dendrochronological research project. The year in which the research stored in https://dataverse.nl/dataverse/stichtingring took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the...