PROTEVS-MED field experiments: Very High Resolution Hydrographic Surveys in t...
From 2015 to 2018 five field experiments (9 legs) have been performed in the Western Mediterranean Basin during winter or early spring. Thanks to the intensive use of a towed... -
A Drifter Dataset for the Western Mediterranean Sea collected during the SWOT...
This dataset gathered the trajectories of 161 Lagrangian surface drifters that were deployed in the Western Mediterranean sea in 2023 by three campaigns of the SWOT... -
Source code of the graph theory toolbox
Herein we highlight a methodological error we encountered in a literature paper concerning the application of graph theory to marine connectivity studies. We show the... -
ESSMVP cruise data
This dataset contains the data collected during the ESSMVP cruise : - ocean current data measureb by hull-mounted ADCP - surface Temperature and Salinity by the onboard...