Inverse QSAR: reversing descriptor-driven prediction pipeline using attention-based conditional variational autoencoder (ACoVAE)


In order to better formalize the notorious Inverse-QSAR problem (finding structures of given QSAR-predicted properties) is considered in this paper as a two-step process including (i) finding “seed” descriptor vectors corresponding to user-constrained QSAR model output values and (ii) identifying the chemical structures best matching the “seed” vectors. The main development effort here was focused on the latter stage, proposing a new Attention-based Conditional Variational AutoEncoder (ACoVAE) neural-network architecture based on recent developments in attention-based methods. The obtained results show that this workflow was capable of generating compounds predicted to display desired activity, while being completely novel compared to the training database (ChEMBL). Moreover, the generated compounds show acceptable druglikeness and synthetic accessibility. Both pharmacophore and docking studies were carried out as “orthogonal” in silico validation methods, proving that some of de novo structures are, beyond being predicted active by 2D-QSAR models, clearly able to match binding 3D pharmacophores and bind the protein pocket.

The data is the following : - model.yaml : the model parameters in yaml format - chembl23_umap1_std.smi : the standardized SMILES structures taken from ChEMBL23. Standardization rules are described in the publication. - chembl23_umap1.svm : the fragment descriptors used for the model training. The fragmentation is described in the publication. The first column contains the SMILES of the molecule. Other columns consist in a pair of values separated by a ":". The first value identifies the fragment’s index in the header file, the second one is the fragment count. - IA-FF-FC-AP-2-3.hdr : header file .hdr, containing the index and a string representing each fragment discovered into the SDF.

ISIDA/Fragmentor, 2022

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator BORT, William; MAZITOV, Daniyar ORCID logo; HORVATH, Dragos ORCID logo; BONACHERA, Fanny; LIN, Arkadii ORCID logo; MARCOU, Gilles ORCID logo; BASKIN, Igor ORCID logo; MADZHIDOV, Timur ORCID logo; VARNEK, Alexandre (ORCID: 0000-0003-1886-925X)
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor VARNEK, Alexandre; Université de Strasbourg; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2022
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact VARNEK, Alexandre (Laboratory of Chemoinformatics, UMR 7140 ; University of Strasbourg, CNRS ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/smil+xml; application/octet-stream; image/x-hdr; application/x-yaml; text/plain
Size 75725857; 13676617616; 665769; 169; 703
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France