Steering on-surface reactions through molecular steric hindrance and molecule-substrate van der Waals interactions

On-surface synthesis is a rapidly developing field involving chemical reactions on well-defined solid surfaces to access the synthesis of low-dimensional organic nanostructures which cannot be achieved via traditional solution chemistry. On-surface reactions critically depend on a high degree of chemoselectivity in order to achieve an optimum balance between the target structure and possible side products. In this record we provide data for the calculations that support a work that we recently published. In the published manuscript, we demonstrate the synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with a large unit cell based on steric hindrance-induced complete chemoselectivity as revealed by scanning probe microscopy measurements and density functional theory calculations. Our results disclose that combined molecule-substrate van der Waals interactions and intermolecular steric hindrance promote a selective aryl-aryl coupling, giving rise to high-quality uniform graphene nanostructures. The established coupling strategy has been used to synthesize two types of graphene nanoribbons with different edge topologies inducing a pronounced variation of the electronic energy gaps. The demonstrated chemoselectivity is representative of n-anthryl precursor molecules and may be further exploited to synthesize graphene nanoribbons with novel electronic, topological and magnetic properties with implications for electronic and spintronic applications.

Metadata Access
Creator Wang, Shiyong; Nishiuchi, Tomohiko; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Yao, Xuelin; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Zhao, Yan; Narita, Akimitsu; Feng, Xinliang; Müllen, Klaus; Ruffieux, Pascal; Fasel, Roman
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering