Magnetostratigraphy of ODP Hole 157-953C (Table 1)


A thick sequence of volcaniclastic sediments drilled at site 953 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 157 northeast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) contains an almost complete magneto-stratigraphy back to the shield stage of the island 14.8 Ma ago. Onshore, a sequence of reversals has been identified and dated in 19 dominantly peralkaline rhyolitic ignimbrites, one rhyolitic, and one basaltic lava flow of the Mogán Group (13.35-13.95 Ma), which overlie basalt flows of the island's shield stage (>14 Ma). The magneto-stratigraphy of the ignimbrites onshore has been correlated with the marine magneto-stratigraphy at site 953, determined in syn-ignimbritic volcaniclastic turbidites, which were deposited practically synchronously immediately following the entry of the parent pyroclastic flows into the sea around the circumference of the island. The four polarity intervals recorded in the sequence of the Mogán Group ignimbrites correspond to C5ACr, C5ACn, C5ADr and C5ADn. Single crystal 40Ar/39Ar-age determinations of the ignimbrites bracketing the polarity changes gave the following ages and uncertainties for the reversals C5AD(t) (13.95±0.07 Ma), C5AC(o) (13.89±0.08 Ma), and C5AC(t) (13.47±0.09 Ma). The newly dated polarity changes fit and refine the Miocene age model proposed in the global polarity time scale.

Supplement to: Herr, B; Fuller, Michael D; Sumita, Mari; van den Bogaard, Paul; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Heider, Franz (2003): New tie-points for the geomagnetic polarity time scale during the Middle Miocene from the Mogán Group on Gran Canaria and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 157 site 953. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 91(4), 642-660

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Herr, B; Fuller, Michael D; Sumita, Mari; van den Bogaard, Paul; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Heider, Franz
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2003
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 184 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-15.145 LON, 28.650 LAT); Canarias Sea
Temporal Coverage Begin 1994-08-24T07:25:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1994-09-04T09:40:00Z