Home Loans, 1969


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Data accumulated from Consumers' Association surveys are designed to be used by the consumer. The surveys are, therefore, very specific in nature and the subjects covered diverse. The Data Archive holds 19 such surveys. Readers are asked to note that, with the exception of the surveys on the Telephone Service - 69004, 69016, respondents surveyed are self selected from subscribers to the Association's magazine <i>Which?</i> and so the surveys cannot singly be used in descriptive accounts of the British public. Surveys 69005-69012 cover various aspects of the housing experiences of <i>Which?</i> readers who moved house in 1967 and 1968. It is here particularly important to remember that the choice strategies and the resources of <i>Which?</i> readers are unlikely to be typical.

Main Topics:

The loan: date of application; source of loan (including number of lenders approached); type of loan obtained (9 categories); amount borrowed (also represented as a percentage of purchase price); length of loan repayment and interest rate at start of repayment (also whether repayment was fixed or variable). Data include: whether spouse's income was taken into account and whether there were any problems likely to affect application. Subsequent changes affecting repayment of loan are considered in detail (e.g. where interest rate has been increased, where loan has been added to, where there has been a change in personal circumstances etc.). Respondent is asked to assess service received (e.g. easiness of obtaining loan, time that loan took to arrange and whether this delayed property purchase negotiations, satisfaction with service received from staff of lending institution, assessment of overall treatment received etc.). In addition, respondent is asked if he/she has any suggestions for improving the present situation on borrowing for house purchase (he/she is also given a list of 9 suggestions and asked to rate each for importance on a 5-point scale. Details of property: description (e.g. detached house/cottage); number of storeys; approximate age; whether sold with NHBRC guarantee (if new); amount paid; whether it was offered freehold (6 categories) and with complete vacant possession. Background Variables Sex, age, marital status, number of children under 21 years, and at time of applying for loan, employment status for self and spouse (i.e. full-time, part-time etc.), whether respondent received a steady income. Pre-tax income for self (joint pre-tax income where applicable) is stated.

No sampling (total universe)

Postal survey

DOI http://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-69008-1
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=ab0b3248fc29f01731992a1f0dddcbd38319e610aeb1eafdc3c71055910b3adc
Creator Consumers' Association
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1976
Rights Copyright Consumers' Association; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="https://ukdataservice.ac.uk/app/uploads/cd137-enduserlicence.pdf" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Language English
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom