Smart dendrimersomes for biosensing and triggered delivery


Dendrimersomes are an exciting new class of vesicles, comprising bilayers of dendrimer molecules that can be engineered to have sensitivity to e.g. changes in pH and enzymes. However, in order to find applications in triggered drug delivery and biosensing, their fine structure and changes to self-assembly must first be characterised. We propose a series of experiments to characterise the fine structure of a model dendrimersome and its response to changes in ionic strength and dilution. We then use contrast matching to investigate the effect of acidic pH and the enzyme sphingomyelinase on dendrimersomes engineered to respond to these two triggers respectively. Dendrimersomes sensitive to these triggers have huge potential in stimuli-responsive treatment of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and atherosclerosis.This experiment will be the first SANS study of dendrimersomes.

Metadata Access
Creator Dr Cecile Dreiss; Professor Molly Stevens; Dr Michael Thomas; Dr James Doutch; Dr Maggie Holme; Dr Shaodong Zhang; Mr Michael Potter
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2019
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences
Temporal Coverage Begin 2016-07-04T08:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2016-07-07T08:00:00Z