Data underlying the publication: “Fashion products made from repurposed materials: The role of function, sustainability and distinguishability attributes and their trade-offs in consumer preferences”

Fashion products made from repurposed materials (e.g., backpacks made from pineapple leaves) have become more prevalent nowadays, and their environmental sustainability is one of the core advantages. Yet, it is currently unclear how consumers respond to products made from repurposed materials. We conducted three experiments to examine the effects of three material features, namely function, sustainability, and distinguishability, on consumer preferences for fashion products made from repurposed materials. The results indicate that, when the function of repurposed materials is as good as that of conventional materials, consumers prefer a product made from repurposed materials over the same product made from conventional materials. Also, consumers in general prefer repurposed materials to be less visually distinguishable. Finally, when the sustainability of the repurposed products is emphasized, consumers appear more likely to choose products made from repurposed materials, even when these products have an inferior function. In conclusion, to promote fashion products made from repurposed materials, marketers may emphasize the function and sustainability of repurposed materials, and producers may manufacture repurposed materials that visually resemble conventional materials.

Metadata Access
Creator Gao, X. ORCID logo; Hooge, I.E. de ORCID logo; Fischer, A.R.H. ORCID logo
Publisher Wageningen University & Research
Contributor Wageningen University & Research
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; application/pdf; .r; .csv
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage GBR