DAMOCLES 2007-2008 - Hamburg Arctic Ocean Buoy Drift Experiment: meteorological measurements of 16 autonomous drifting ice buoys


The field experiment DAMOCLES 2007 (Hamburg Arctic Ocean Buoy Drift Experiment DAMOCLES 2007-2008) consisted of the deployment and tracking of an array of 16 drifting autonomous buoys in the Central Arctic Ocean. The buoys were deployed in a quadratic array with 400 kilometres side length in the Siberian sector of the Central Arctic Ocean in April 2007. While drifting towards Fram Strait the buoys delivered at approximately 1-hourly time intervalls position, sea level pressure and temperature for several months with the last buoy transmitting until January 2008.

                The aim of the experiment was to study the Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean interaction, especially the impact of cyclones on the formation and transport of sea ice.

                DAMOCLES 2007 and DAMOCLES 2008 are a contribution to European integrated project DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies) which is funded by the European Union. DAMOCLES is a contribution to IPY 2007-2008 (International Polar Year).
DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/UNI_HH_MI_DAMOCLES2007
Metadata Access https://dmoai.cloud.dkrz.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=iso19115&identifier=oai:wdcc.dkrz.de:iso_2290313
Creator Dr. Gerd Müller; Prof. Dr. Burghard Brümmer; Dr. Michael Haller; Dr. Arne Kriegsmann; Michael Offermann; Christian Wetzel
Publisher World Data Center for Climate (WDCC)
Publication Year 2011
Rights scientific use: For scientific use only
OpenAccess true
Contact http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de/
Language English
Resource Type collection ; collection
Format tar-File(s)
Size 54 MB
Version 1
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-180.000W, 70.050S, 180.000E, 89.991N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2007-04-23T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2008-01-31T00:00:00Z