Citizenship Acquisition in Canada & Germany

This is only metadata. The data is not available for reuse without collaboration with the researcher due to its highly personal content.

The dataset is based on a total of 42 semi-structured interviews and consists of audio recordings (40), transcripts (41), note files (41), and interview material (7 documents). The difference in numbers is due to one interview taking place via e-mail (thus no recording was made or notes taken) and one interview not being recorded as requested by the interviewee (thus no recording or transcript).

The interviews were conducted with four sets of interviewees: 1. German naturalized citizens (15), 2. Canadian naturalized citizens (15), 3. German citizenship caseworkers (9), 4. three individuals working for the Canadian government, namely one Canadian Member of Parliament (MP), one employee of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada department, and one office staff member of a Canadian MP. The interviews of set 1 were conducted in the fall of 2021, set 2 in March to August of 2022, set 3 in the fall of 2022 and set 3 between October of 2022 and March 2023. Interviews with German individuals were conducted in German. Interviews with Canadian individuals were conducted in English. The interview materials include 4 different interview guides (2 in English and 2 in German) with one per set of interviews, and 3 vignettes based on set 1 and utilized in set 3.

A total of 3031 minutes of interviews were recorded. Interviews lastest between 30 minutes to three hours and were conducted in a place chosen by the interviewee either in-person or via Zoom or Webex. This includes but is not limited to cafes, interviewees' homes, the researcher's office space, parks and interviewees' places of work. The interviews in subsets 1 and 2 were conducted in the district of Cologne, Germany. The interviews in subsets 2 and 3 were conducted in Toronto, Canada and from the Netherlands digitally (2). Based on the interviews with naturalized German citizens, the researcher extracted 3 real-life vignettes, which were then used as interview material in the conversations with German caseworkers. They were given these vignettes and asked to react to them.

Every interviewee gave either written or oral consent before being interviewed.

Metadata Access
Creator Bliersbach, Hannah
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Leiden University
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Jurisprudence; Law; Social and Behavioural Sciences