Calculated sea level records and deep ocean temperatures from DSDP and ODP sites


During the mid-Pleistocene transition the dominant 41 ka periodicity of glacial cycles transitioned to a quasi-100 ka periodicity for reasons not yet known. This study investigates the potential role of deep ocean hydrography by examining oxygen isotope ratios in benthic foraminifera. Oxygen isotope records from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean basins are separated into their ice volume and local temperature/hydrography components using a piece-wise linear transfer function and a temperature calibration. Although our method has certain limitations, the deep ocean hydrography reconstructions show that glacial deep ocean temperatures approached freezing point as the mid-Pleistocene transition progressed. Further analysis suggests that water mass reorganisation could have been responsible for these temperature changes, leading to such stable conditions in the deep ocean that some obliquity cycles were skipped until precessional forcing triggered deglaciation, creating the apparent quasi-100 ka pattern. This study supports previous work that suggests multiples of obliquity cycles dominate the quasi-100 ka glacial cycles with precession components driving deglaciations.

Supplement to: Bates, Stephanie L; Siddall, Mark; Waelbroeck, Claire (2014): Hydrographic variations in deep ocean temperature over the mid-Pleistocene transition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 88, 147-158

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Creator Bates, Stephanie L ORCID logo; Siddall, Mark; Waelbroeck, Claire ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2014
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 10 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-171.499W, -42.914S, 116.566E, 55.485N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 1983-07-06T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1999-04-10T00:00:00Z