Colloidally Stable PbS QDs inks Toward Scalable and Efficient Short-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors


Data for the manuscript 'Colloidally Stable PbS QDs inks Toward Scalable and Efficient Short-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors'. The dataset contains the raw (and processed) data used in the manuscript, including data from UV-Vis, GISAXS measurements and photodetector, solar cell and transistor optoelectronic characterization.

Metadata Access
Creator Wang, Han (ORCID: 0009-0000-7616-734X); Pinna, Jacopo ORCID logo; Garcia Romero, David; Di Mario, Lorenzo ORCID logo; Mehrabi Koushki, Razieh; Portale, Giuseppe ORCID logo; Antonietta Loi, Maria ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Groningen Digital Competence Centre
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Groningen Digital Competence Centre (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size 34999; 35048; 17523; 17500; 17339; 17188; 17505; 17327; 17568; 17513; 17319; 17575; 17618; 17137; 17551; 17580; 17229; 17135; 17119; 17121; 17117; 17140; 17133; 2836; 8815; 154901; 16177; 40798; 32905; 40788; 16175; 40777; 16189; 16185; 40829; 11718; 16186; 16247; 16169; 16178; 11601; 8925; 2460; 4565; 2462; 47144; 46582; 47007; 24668; 47095; 46979; 46974; 1106; 497; 4946461; 4642585; 18677; 7046; 12541; 8135; 7733; 17115; 6823; 7249; 7312; 6836; 7246; 7196; 6837; 8031; 8400; 6843; 679; 295; 406; 416; 208
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Materials Science; Materials Science and Engineering; Natural Sciences