Marine calibration points derived from sediment core PS2644-5 (Table 1)


By correlating the climate records and radiocarbon ages of the planktonic foraminifera N. pachyderma(s) of deep-sea core PS2644 from the Iceland Sea with the annual-layer chronology of the GISP2 ice core, we obtained 80 marine 14C calibration points for the interval 11.4-53.3 ka cal BP. Between 27 and 54 ka cal BP the continuous record of 14C/cal age differences reveals three intervals of highly increased 14C concentrations coincident with low values of paleomagnetic field intensity, two of which are attributed to the geomagnetic Mono Lake and Laschamp excursions (33.5-34.5 ka cal BP with maximum 550 per mil marine Delta 14C, and 40.3-41.7 ka cal BP with maximum 1215 per mil marine Delta 14C, respectively). A third maximum (marine Delta 14C: 755 per mil) is observed around 38 ka cal BP and attributed to the geomagnetic intensity minimum following the Laschamp excursion. During all three events the Delta 14C values increase rapidly with maximum values occurring at the end of the respective geomagnetic intensity minimum. During the Mono Lake Event, however, our Delta 14C values seem to underestimate the atmospheric level, if compared to the 36Cl flux measured in the GRIP ice core (Wagner et al. 2000, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00196-5) and other records. As this excursion coincides with a meltwater event in core PS2644, the underestimation is probably caused by an increased planktonic reservoir age. The same effect also occurs from 38.5 to 40 ka cal BP when the meltwater lid of Heinrich Event 4 affected the planktonic record.

Supplement to: Voelker, Antje H L; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Sarnthein, Michael (2000): Radiocarbon Levels in the Iceland Sea from 25–53 kyr and their Link to the Earth's Magnetic Field Intensity. Radiocarbon, 42(3), 437-452

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Voelker, Antje H L ORCID logo; Grootes, Pieter Meiert ORCID logo; Nadeau, Marie-Josée ORCID logo; Sarnthein, Michael
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2000
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 702 data points
Discipline Geosciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-21.765 LON, 67.867 LAT); Denmark Strait