Arab West Report 2003, Weeks 01-52: Reporting on Muslim-Christian Relations in Egypt, Relations Between Muslims, Christians, and Jews, The Status of Religious Minorities, AWR Developments

This dataset contains the Arab West Report special reports published in the year 2003. The majority of the material in this dataset focuses on in depth analysis of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, however, Judaism is also the subject of a great deal of analysis in these reports. A number of the reports address relations between religious minorities such as 'dhimmi' status, and the complex relationship between national identity and religious identity. A number of reports are also media critique, a staple of AWR’s work.

The AWR reports in this dataset also describe the early work of AWR, and introduce several of its early board members and affiliates. Authors include: - Cornelis Hulsman, Drs. - Sunni M. Khalid - Jeff Adams (Dr. Rev.) - Larry F. Levine (Dr.) - Victor M. Ordonez - Michael Reimer (Dr.) - Wolfram Reiss, (Rev. Dr.) - Johanna Pink (Dr.) - Nirmīn Fawzī - Hedda Klip - Munīr Hannā Anīs Armanius (Bishop) - Cassandra Chambliss - Adam Hannestad - David Weaver - Konrad Knolle (Rev.) - Usamah Wadi‘ al-Ahwani - Marjam Van Oort - Nawal al-Sa‘dawi - M.E. van Gent - Subhi ‘Uwaydah, (Rev. Dr.) - Andreas Van Agt, (Dr.)

Institutional authors include AWR Editorial Board, AWR Board of Advisors, Center for the Study of Christianity in Islamic Lands (CSCIL), and EKD Presservice.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Hulsman, C.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Sparks, M.R.; Adams, J.; Levine, L.; Khalid, S.; Reimer, M.; Ordonez, V.; Reiss, W.; Pink, J.; Fawzi, N.; Klip, H.; Hannā Anīs Armanius, M.; Chambliss, C.; Hannestad, A.; Weaver, D.; Knolle, K.; Al-Ahwani, U.; Oort, M. Van; Al-Sa'adawi, N.; Gent, M.E. van; Uwaydah, S.; van Agt, A.; EKD Press Service; Center for the Study of Christianity in Islamic Lands (CSCIL); AWR Editorial Board; AWR Board of Advisors; Stichting Arab-West Foundation
Publication Year 2017
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess false
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format PDF
Discipline Humanities
Spatial Coverage Egypt