Kenmerken en ontwikkelingen van een MKD-populatie 1984

To find out what happened to children who have been treated at the medical infant school "Medisch Kleuterdagverblijf 't Kabouterhuis-Zuid": a day care institution for pre-schoolchildren with serious social, medical problems: generally a combination of mental and physical problems, retarded development, deviant behaviour and bad family relations including ill-treatment. Social-medical history of child and its living conditions data on subsequent observation points in time: pregnancy and birth, admission to medical infant school ( MKD ), treatment period, discharge from mkd, period of adaptation, actual situation / problems in parents' youth / problems around pregnancy and birth / first year of child's life: evaluation according to "Multi Axial Classification system" ( MAC ): clinical psychiatric syndrome specific development arrears, IQ, somatic symptoms, deviant psycho-social conditions / nr. of hospitalizations / reason for admission to MKD, who gave advice. MAC-rating when admitted to MKD / treatment at MKD, presence, changes in weight and length / discharge from MKD: advice for school and additional assistance to child and parents, realization of advices / follow-up survey: reaction of child to family, school and neighbourhood / reactions of parents / hospitalizations / effects of MKD treatment on child and family / appreciation of MKD, recommendation by parents / behaviour of child: scores of detailed questionnaires / problems in family: cultural differences, financial, social, problems with upbringing of child, role of partner, style of upbringing / questionnaire for teachers: performance and behaviour of child at school. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ education

Metadata Access
Creator Fenger-Hanemann, I., Roscher-Rosenstein, A.R., Veeneklaas, J.R., Stichting medisch kinderdagverblijf 't Kabouterhuis-zuid * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Medisch kleuterdagverblijf 't kabouterhuis-zuid * Amsterdam (research initiator); Medisch kinderdagverblijf 't kabouterhuis * Amsterdam (data collector)
Publication Year 2007
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine
Spatial Coverage Netherlands