Marine electrical resistivity data offshore of Drew Point, Alaska


On 26 July 2018, we collected apparent resistivity data (ohm-m) in a sub-aquatic permafrost environment north of the Alaskan coastline at Drew Point in the United States. The data was collected with an IRIS Syscal Pro Deep Marine resistivity system that was equipped with a GPS and an echo sounder to record water depths. The geoelectric cable had an electrode separation of 5 m and the electrodes were arranged in a reciprocal Wenner Schlumberger array. The offset between the first electrode and the boat was 6.6 m. The main goal of the survey was to map the depth to the top of ice-bearing subsea permafrost. The survey started approximately 850 m offshore and ended close to the coastline.

Distance: Distance of boat position from starting point (m). This is not a cumulative distance.Water_depth: Water depth (m) from echo sounderRho_App_P1P2: Apparent resistivity (ohm-m) measured between potential electrodes P1 and P2. The remaining apparent resistivity columns have the same structure.C1_position: Position (m) of current electrode C1 relative to the boat position. For example, -36.6 m indicates that C1 is located 36.6 m behind the boat at the profile start.C2_position: Position (m) of current electrode C2 relative to the boat position. For example, -41.6 m indicates that C2 is located 41.6 m behind the boat at the profile start.P1_position: Position (m) of potential electrode P1 relative to the boat position. For example, -31.6 m indicates that P1 is located 31.6 m behind the boat at the profile start.P2_position: Position (m) of potential electrode P2 relative to the boat position. For example, -46.6 m indicates that P2 is located 46.6 m behind the boat at the profile start.The remaining electrode position columns follow the same structure.Latitude: latitude of boat position measured with GPS (WGS 1984)Longitude: longitude of boat position measured with GPS (WGS 1984)

Metadata Access
Creator Angelopoulos, Michael ORCID logo; Arboleda-Zapata, Mauricio; Overduin, Pier Paul ORCID logo; Jones, Benjamin; Tronicke, Jens ORCID logo; Grosse, Guido ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference Seventh Framework Programme Crossref Funder ID 338335 Rapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 4392 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-153.907W, 70.880S, -153.900E, 70.887N); Drew Point, United States