681 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet astronomy

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  • iPTF 16asu photometry follow-up

    Wide-field surveys are discovering a growing number of rare transients whose physical origin is not yet well understood. Here we present optical and UV data and analysis of...
  • ~1.5yr Swift observations of Mrk 421

    We present the results of the Swift observations of the nearby BL Lac object Mrk421 during 2013 November-2015 June. The source exhibited a strong long-term variability in the...
  • Swift and NuSTAR obs. of the BL Lac Mrk 421

    We present the results of the Swift and NuSTAR observations of the nearby BL Lac object Mrk 421 during 2013 January-June. The source exhibited a strong long-term variability in...
  • Rotation rates of very massive stars

    We present projected rotational velocity values for 96 Galactic, 55 SMC, and 106 LMC O-B type stars from archival FUSE observations. The evolved and unevolved samples from each...
  • z~6 galaxies UV luminosity function

    We have detected 506 i-dropouts (z~6 galaxies) in deep, wide-area HST ACS fields: HUDF, enhanced GOODS, and HUDF parallel ACS fields (HUDF-Ps). The contamination levels are...
  • UVIT photometry of M31 PHAT stellar clusters

    The Andromeda galaxy (M31) is an object of ongoing study with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on AstroSat. UVIT far-UV (FUV) and near-UV (NUV) photometry is carried out...
  • HAZMAT. I. FUV and NUV emission in early M stars

    The spectral energy distribution, variability, and evolution of the high-energy radiation from an M dwarf planet host is crucial in understanding the planet's atmospheric...
  • Second GALEX UV variability catalog (GUVV-2)

    We present the second Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Ultraviolet Variability (GUVV-2) Catalog, which contains information on 410 newly discovered time-variable sources gained...
  • GALEX ultraviolet variability catalog

    We present version 1.0 of the NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) ultraviolet variability (GUVV) catalog, which contains information on 84 time-variable and transient sources...
  • RR Tel UV emission

    (no description available)
  • CV eROSITA-enhanced multi-wavelength cat.

    Cataclysmic variables with degenerate donors which have evolved past the period minimum, also known as period-bouncers, are predicted to make up a great portion of the...
  • NGC 628, NGC 1365 and NGC 7496 UVIT FUV images

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous complex molecules in the interstellar medium and are used as an indirect indicator of star-formation. On the other hand...
  • Photometry of M31 globular cluster EXT8

    We recently found the globular cluster (GC) EXT8 in M31 to have an extremely low metallicity of [Fe/H]=-2.91+/-0.04 using high-resolution spectroscopy. Here we present a...
  • The IUE Absolute Flux Scale

    Tables tablea1 to tablea6 show the absolute fluxes of the IUE standard stars used for the derivation of the cameras Inverse Sensitivity Curves for the IUE Final Archive. The...
  • MSX Ultraviolet Point Source Catalog

    The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) Ultraviolet Point Source Catalog contains 47,283 point sources from a set of 201 observations that surveyed approximately half the sky and...
  • Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)

    CANDELS is designed to document the first third of galactic evolution from z = 8 to 1.5 via deep imaging of more than 250,000 galaxies with WFC3/IR and ACS. It will also find...
  • Merged Log of IUE Observations

    The log contains a summary of all IUE Newly Extracted Spectra (INES), which resulted from a post-processing effort at Vilspa. It was constructed by using verified data from the...
  • Merged Log of IUE Observations

    The log contains data from January 26, 1978 through Dec. 92. It is sorted by right ascension.
  • The FUSE Observation Log

    Funded by NASA as part of its Origins program, FUSE was developed in collaboration with the space agencies of Canada and France, and is being operated for NASA by the Johns...
  • Final Merged Log of IUE Observations

    The log contains a summary of all IUE Newly Extracted Spectra (INES), which resulted from a post-processing effort at Vilspa. It was constructed by using verified data from the...
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