Verbetering woonomgeving Ondiep 1975
Attempt to improve living conditions in a quarter of Utrecht by means of a survey on opinions, wishes, about living conditions and provisions. Type of house / house owner / rent... -
Recreatieve betekenis van het nationale park De Hoge Veluwe 1986
Recreational importance of the national park "de Hoge Veluwe". R's nationality, residence / distance from ( temporary ) residence / frequency of visiting "de Hoge Veluwe" and in... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1973
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for moving / influences of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /... -
Woningbehoefte onderzoek Drechtsteden 1974
Opinion about condition own house / motivations to move from there / location / characteristics of house sought ( regarding rent ) / distance of major public utilities /... -
Vrije tijd in sub-urbaan gebied 1971
Differences in spending leisure time between migrants living in Amsterdam and other inhabitants / in relation to a number of categories of leisure activities and in relation to... -
Gebruikersonderzoek recreatiegebieden 't Hilgelo, Hambroek, Slijk-Ewijk 1985
Use of recreational facilities in Hilgelo, 't Hambroek and Slijk-Ewijk. Time of arrival / expected time to spend / frequency of attending / how r got to know the area / used... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1976
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for move / influence of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /... -
Woonsatisfactie in nieuwbouwwijken 1977-1981
Evaluation of the extent to which behaviour and characteristics of inhabitants of new building sites match desires expressed in government policy. Moving motives, alternatives... -
Recreatief gebruik van kleine en grote bossen 1985
To determine differences in appreciation of small and large recreational woodlands. Interview: name of woodland visited, companions, way of transport, place of departure, time... -
Image binnenstad Den Haag 1972
Frequency of visiting the centre of the Hague by day, in the evening / kind of transport on working days or in weekends / frequency of use of car to go to centre / route in... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1975
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for move / influence of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /... -
Wie verhuist er naar Rotterdam ? 1987
Backgrounds of moving to Rotterdam in 1986. R's former residence / household characteristics before and after moving to Rotterdam / type of accommodation before moving to... -
Image binnenstad Den Haag 1972
Frequency of visiting the centre of the Hague by day, in the evening / kind of transport on working days or in weekends / frequency of use of car to go to centre / route in... -
Vrije tijd in sub-urbaan gebied 1971
Differences in spending leisure time between migrants living in Amsterdam and other inhabitants / in relation to a number of categories of leisure activities and in relation to... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1976
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for move / influence of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /... -
Regionale woonvoorkeuren 1976
Acquaintance with regions / residential history / motivation for interregional migration / ( non- ) attractiveness of residential region / reasons for living in region /... -
Winkelapparaat en ruimtelijk koopgedrag in Uithoorn 1969
Buying patterns of consumption goods grocery, butcher, dairy products, vegetables etc. / in terms of district, street-corner / outside the town / branches of shops in the... -
Wonen waar werk was 1982
Analysis of moving to a newly built area at the outskirts of Rotterdam, especially of the financial and social consequences of the people involved. Characteristics of the family... -
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1973
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for moving / influences of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence /... -
Blijven in de gordel? 1974
People moving in or from part of Amsterdam built in 19th century compared on characteristics like occupation, income, age, number of family members, number of rooms, rent,...