(Appendix 2) Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur content of sediments from lake Nam ...
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(Fig. 2) Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total inorganic carbon, and to...
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(Table 1) Total orgaic carbon and total nitrogen contents of lake sediments s...
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Concentrations of total organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, TOC/DON r...
We tested whether the δ15N values of total dissolved N (TDN), measured directly in solution with a TOC-IRMS, can be used to help elucidate N sources and sinks along the water... -
pH, total organic carbon concentrations, total nitrogen concentrations, TC/TN...
We tested whether the δ15N values of total dissolved N (TDN), measured directly in solution with a TOC-IRMS, can be used to help elucidate N sources and sinks along the water... -
Isotope values obtained along cores MD-1 and MD-3 in florida mangrove diebacks
Samples (5–60 mg, 5 cm interval) were treated with 4% HCl to eliminate carbonate, washed with distilled water (pH 6), and dried at 50°C. Total organic carbon was determined at... -
Table S4, Content and stable isotopic composition of total organic carbon (TO...
Bulk organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen content and stable isotope compositions for ODP cores at sites 964 and 967, including: event name, sapropel layer, core, depth (top), depth... -
Sediment properties in drained lake basins in northern Alaska, August 2018
These data originate from a field survey in early August 2018 in the Teshekpuk Lake region on the Alaskan North Slope. We sampled surface sediment in drained lake basins.... -
Geochemical properties of dissolved and particulate matter from Batagay thaw ...
This study examines the release of dissolved and particulate matter due to the permafrost thaw in the Batagay mega thaw slump in central Yakutia (Russia) (67.58°N, 134.77°E) and... -
Organic geochemistry from IODP Site 355-U1456
We used a Carlo Erba Elemental Analyzer (1108) to get concentrations of the total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN). Subsequently, we used a CO2 Coulometer (CM5014) to... -
(Appendix 1) TOC/N ratios in the samples of Capriolo and Wawal
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Organic carbon (OC) content, nitrogen content, C/N ratio, carbonate content, ...
The grain size of sediments was determined with a Cilas 1180 laser-diffraction particle analyzer (range 0.04–2500 μm) and the mean grain size was calculated. The surface area... -
Bulk analysis of varved sediments from Lake Łazduny, NE Poland
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Holocene bulk proxies of sediment core MD05-2905
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Holocene bulk proxies of sediment core GeoB16601-5
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(Table T2) Composition and isotope ratios of organic carbon, nitrogen and car...
Depth, sediment is given in mbsf. -
Planktonic foraminiferal abundances, and sea surface and export production re...
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Biogeochemical proxies of the sediment short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, Sib...
This data set is an extension to the previously published data in a bundled publication (Stieg et al., 2024a) from the Russian Lake Khamra (59.99°N, 112.98°E, 340 m a.s.l.),... -
Particle flux at mooring sites in the Pacific Ocean (Table 1)
In order to understand the vertical transport of particulate matter, suspended and settling particles were collected along a meridional transect between 46°N and 35°S and an... -
Biogeochemical characteristics of sediment cores from a land – shore transect...
This dataset describes six sediment cores (12 - 219 cm length) from different landscape features in a coastal permafrost thermokarst affected landscape in the Theshekpuk Lake...