32 datasets found

Keywords: stereotypes

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  • Verrechtsing middelbare scholieren 1982-1983

    Measuring right-extreme opinions in a secondary school population. Family background / political behaviour / involvement with school / right-extremism, racism, fascism,...
  • Huwelijk en gezin 1965

    Attitude towards engagement, marriage and family / premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness / conventional family roles / conventional male, female roles / family...
  • Publieke opinie over niet-werkenden, 1984

    Supposed differences in moral qualities between the unemployed incapacitated persons and working people. Abuse of social securities / ranking of different cases of abuse of...
  • Stigmatiseringsonderzoek 1972

    Study on attitudes towards people who have been in prison. Knowledge about prison and law / opinions about relation between punishment and crime / acceptation of a person with a...
  • Hoe vindt u het om vrouw te zijn 1974

    Discrimination of women / inborn and acquired qualities of men and women / opinion on position and role of women / attitude towards working mothers and equal division of work...
  • Common ideas about foreign countries 1956

    Attitude towards people in other countries / stereotypes / attitude to European integration / acquaintance with other countries. Background variables: basic characteristics/...
  • Vrouw, 1978

    Composition of household / social position of women in many respects general life-style / life career / effects of religion / feelings about information level on social and...
  • Beeld van de werkloosheid 1975

    Image of unemployment / misuse of social securities / unemployment benefits / character of unemployed versus employed. Background variables: basic characteristics/...
  • Ongehuwden 1965

    Problems of older unmarried people / social participation / work / satisfaction / organizational memberships / most desired patterns of contact / loneliness / anomy /...
  • Sociale en culturele situatie Nijmegen 1991-1993

    Three independent measurements of the social and cultural activities and situation of the population of Nijmegen. since when does respondent reside in Nijmegen / social status...
  • Joden in Amsterdam 1962

    Change in attitude and behaviour of Jews / religious attitude and behaviour / social integration / attitude towards Jewish tradition and behaviour / characteristics of Jews /...
  • Nieuwe leden van het COC 1970

    Motivations for membership / psychological problems / preoccupations / social and sexual contacts / self-evaluation / leisure activities / relationship to parents /...
  • Sociaal-culturele veranderingen in Nederland 1975-1977

    Study of socio-cultural change in the Netherlands focusing on change in social roles. Women's emancipation / sexuality / parents versus children / marriage / authority / role...
  • Autoritaire persoonlijkheid en zijn participatie in levensbeschouwelijke groe...

    Study of the relation between authoritarianism and participation. authoritarianism / dogmatism / rigidity / socio-political conservatism / conservatism in attitude towards...
  • Facetanalyse van de beleving van gezin- en werkrollen 1975

    Determination of differences in interpersonal role behaviour between man and woman in family situation and working situation. Relation husband and wife / husband and family /...
  • Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 32, mei juni 1986 )

    Survey concerning opinions on current political and social items. Continuous items for most waves / watching tv / reading newspapers / taking part in discussions on political...
  • Communication effects on attitudes towards India 1960

    Effects of motion pictures dealing with India on stereotypes regarding to India. With control groups from other countries like the Philippines, Spain, Japan, Canada, measured...
  • Vriendschap en sociale relaties in multi-etnisch samengestelde schoolklassen ...

    Study of inter-ethnic friendships and social relations of primary school pupils related to ethnic perception of teachers and nature of school curriculum. P0904A: teachers on...
  • Minderheidspositie van agentes en verplegers 1982-1983

    Differences in minority position of policewomen and male nurses. Duration and work between secondary school and police or nursing training / duration of service as a policewoman...
  • Differentiele aanpak van ongewenst gedrag bij jongens en meisjes 1987

    Differences between responses to undesirable behaviour of boys and girls / attitudes of children, parents, teachers, police, social workers and judges towards punishment of...
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