SWIP - Dödsorsaker 1987-1996
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1973
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Dödsorsaker 1997-2001
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Patientregistret 1987-2002
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Bosättningsgrund och språk, utomnordiska invandrare 1960-1998
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - barn
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - insats
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - placering
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1974
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1975
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1976
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 2002
This survey, inquiring the attitudes of the Swedish population towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of three earlier surveys conducted in 1986, 1992 and 1997.... -
Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 1997
This survey, inquiring the Swedish people's attitudes towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of two earlier surveys conducted in 1986 and 1992. A number of... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om inkomst
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om yrke, social klass oc...
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU68 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1968
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU74 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1974
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU81 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1981
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU91 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1991
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU00 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 2000
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly...