Journalisternas frågor under Folkhälsomyndighetens presskonferenser under cor...
This dataset contains questions/turn-takings asked by journalists during the Public Health Agency of Sweden's press conferences during the corona pandemic throughout 2020, as... -
Nyhetsartiklar och förstasidor från 19 svenska nyhetssajter under coronapande...
This dataset contains news articles from Swedish news sites during the covid-19 corona pandemic 2020–2021. The purpose was to develop and test new methods for collection and... -
Fall-, rese-, socioekonomisk och meterologisk data för att analysera socioeko...
Collection of socio-economic and meteorological indicators as well as travel patterns and cases of H1N1 during the swine flu pandemic in Sweden in 2009. Comprise the... -
Bovina norovirus och nebovirus - prevalens och riskfaktorer för infektion i s...
Aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of bovine norovirus and nebovirus infections in dairy calves in Sweden. A secondary aim was to analyse herd and management... -
Analys av flyktiga organiska ämnen för tidig detektion av Fusarium circinatum
Fusarium circinatum, a fungal pathogen deadly to many Pinus species, can cause significant economic and ecological losses, especially if it were to become more widely... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om inkomst
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om yrke, social klass oc...
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU68 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1968
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU74 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1974
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU81 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1981
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU91 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1991
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU00 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 2000
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 1986
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 1990
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 1994
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 1999
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 2004
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 2009
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate...