Age model of sediment core M144_5-6 from the central western Aegean Sea
The dataset contains an age-depth model, dry bulk density measurements and sedimentation rates for the Kasten Core M144 KC5-6, collected in the central western Aegean Sea... -
Downcore color scan data from sediment core M144_5-6 from the central western...
The dataset contains a downcore color scan of Kasten Core M144 KC5-6 for each 1cm. The analysis was performed onboard the R/V Meteor using a A MINOLTA CM-700d hand-held... -
Planktonic foraminiferal accumulation rates in sediment core M144_5-6 from th...
Planktic foraminiferal accumulation rates (PFAR) were analyzed in Kasten Core M144 KC5-6, and a total of 108 samples were taken in a sample resolution of 2–4 cm. Around 250–300... -
Otolith accumulation rates in sediment core M144_5-6 from the central western...
Otolith accumulation rates (OAR) and fish family composition were analyzed throughout core M144 KC5-6, including Myctophidae, Sternoptychidae, Engraulidae, Gadidae, and... -
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlant...
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Data span the last 25 ka BP, comprise benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb),... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northe...
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum. Data are compiled from the... -
New benthic foraminifera stable isotopes from IODP Site 303-U1302
New benthic foraminifera stable isotope data from Site IODP U1302. The data range from core top to the LGM (~ 22 ka BP at 3.73 metres composite depth). Benthic foraminifera from... -
Tie points for IODP Hole 344-U1381C
The age model for the upper 49 m of Hole U1381C is based on radiocarbon dates, graphical tuning of the benthic δ18O record and biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic events. The age... -
Authigenic carbonate X-ray diffraction (NGHP-01 Site 16)
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X-ray fluoresence core scanning (NGHP-01 Sites 10 and 16)
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Fish otolith and planktic foraminiferal abundances and radiocarbon dates from...
The Kasten Core M144 KC5-6 has been collected in the central western Aegean Sea (38°55.545'N; 23°38.684'E) during cruise M144 from December 2017 to January 2018 on board R/V... -
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlant...
We compiled data from five different proxies for the reconstruction of deep water mass composition in the deep Atlantic during the Last Glacial Maximum (23 - 19 ka BP), Heinrich... -
Sediment elemental chemistry, magnetic susceptibility, isothermal remanent ma...
We present datasets associated with an approach to disentangle detrital and diagenetic influences on magnetic susceptibility in marine sediments in the Bay of Bengal. The goal... -
Radiocarbon ages measured on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from core LO09-18
Accelerated mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon ages measured on monospecific samples of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. The ages were - after reservoir age correction and... -
Average January (tmJ) paleotemperature of north-west Yakutia
Reconstructions of mean January temperatures (Tmean Jan., oC) were carried out by comparing the isotope composition of modern ice veinlets (δ18Oiv) and mean January temperatures... -
Radiocarbon (C14) measurements of sediments from the reef island Langkai, Spe...
The data set includes radiocarbon ages of sediments from the reef island Langkai, SW Sulawesi, Indonesia. The data was collected in order to reconstruct the Holocene and modern... -
Element composition of sediment core EN21103 from Lake Ulu, eastern Siberia
Element composition including total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), and total nitrogen (TN), measured with a soli TOC cube (Elementar) and... -
Bacon age-depth model of sediment core EN21103 from Lake Ulu, eastern Siberia
This model was established based on the Bayesian method with a hiatus at 138 cm and calibrated using the IntCal20 dataset via the Bacon function in the R-package rbacon. A... -
Radiocarbon dating of sediment core EN21103 from Lake Ulu, eastern Siberia
Radiocarbon dating performed on the total organic carbon content of 40 bulk sediments, measured at the MICADAS (Mini Carbon Dating System) Laboratory of AWI in Bremerhaven. -
Abrasion of specimen of Calcarina used for radiocarbon dating of sediments fr...
The dataset is based on 50 soft carbonate sediment samples from the reef island Barrang Lompo in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, SE Asia. The subsurface samples were...