585 datasets found

Keywords: radio galaxies

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  • ASKAP HI imaging of the Lyon Group of Galaxies 351

    We present an HI study of the galaxy group LGG 351 using Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind Survey (WALLABY) early science data observed with the Australian Square...
  • Radio jets associated with galactic outflows

    We present 1-7GHz high-resolution radio imaging (VLA and e-MERLIN) and spatially resolved ionized gas kinematics for 10 z<0.2 type 2 'obscured' quasars...
  • LVHIS. far-infrared radio correlation

    In this paper we measure the far-infrared (FIR) and radio flux densities of a sample of 82 local gas-rich galaxies, including 70 "dwarf" galaxies (M_*<10^9^M{sun}_), from the...
  • 78 Stripe82 galaxies masses

    We present a cross-calibration of CO- and dust-based molecular gas masses at z<=0.2. Our results are based on a survey with the IRAM 30-m telescope collecting CO(1-0)...
  • Low-frequency study of 3C 31 with LOFAR

    We present a deep, low-frequency radio continuum study of the nearby Fanaroff-Riley class I (FR I) radio galaxy 3C 31 using a combination of LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR; 30-85...
  • H-alpha emitters in/towards USS 1558

    We carried out deep H{alpha} narrowband imaging with 10h net integrations towards the young protocluster, USS1558-003 at z=2.53 with the Subaru Telescope. This system is...
  • VVDS14h redshift catalog

    We use observations made with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) to probe the neutral hydrogen (HI) gas content of field galaxies in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS) 14h...
  • Properties of 1329 extended radio galaxies

    Powerful radio galaxies exist as either compact or extended sources, with the extended sources traditionally classified by their radio morphologies as Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type I...
  • Lockman Hole low-frequency radio sources

    The Lockman Hole is a well-studied extragalactic field with extensive multi-band ancillary data covering a wide range in frequency, essential for characterizing the physical and...
  • Deep NIR catalogue of HIZOA galaxies

    We present a deep near-infrared (NIR; J, H, and K_s_ bands) photometric catalogue of sources from the Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance (HIZOA) survey, which forms the basis for an...
  • BETA pilot multi-epoch continuum survey

    The Boolardy Engineering Test Array is a 6x12m dish interferometer and the prototype of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), equipped with the first...
  • Southern ZOA galaxies 21cm HI-line

    High-accuracy HI profiles and linewidths are presented for inclined ((b/a)^o^<0.5) spiral galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance (ZOA). These galaxies define a sample for...
  • Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations project

    The Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations (PACO) project has yielded observations of 464 sources with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) between 4.5 and 40GHz. The main...
  • ATLAS 1.4GHz Data Release 3

    We present the third data release from the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey. These data combine the observations at 1.4GHz before and after upgrades to the Australia...
  • Observation & modelling for radio-loud AGN

    The interactions between radio-loud AGN and their environments play an important role in galaxy and cluster evolution. Recent work has demonstrated fundamental differences...
  • RATAN-600 flux densities of 123 blazars

    We study the correlation between gamma-ray and radio band radiation for 123 blazars, using the Fermi-LAT first source catalog (1FGL) and the RATAN-600 data obtained at the same...
  • VLA 352MHz image of the Bootes field. I.

    We present a 324.5MHz image of the NOAO Bootes field that was made using Very Large Array (VLA) P-band observations. The image has a resolution of 5.6"x5.1", a radius of 2.05...
  • IR photometry of nearby RLGs

    By combining the data of the Two Micron All Sky Survey, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer and the AKARI satellite, we study the infrared colour properties of a sample of...
  • Radio-AGN feedback for 0.5<z<1

    This paper presents the first measurement of the radio luminosity function of 'jet-mode' (radiatively inefficient) radio-AGN out to z=1, in order to investigate the cosmic...
  • Fermi bright blazars

    The exact location of the {gamma}-ray emitting region in blazars is still controversial. In order to attack this problem we present first results of a cross-correlation analysis...
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